Psp Lik-sang Pre Orders ??


Well-Known Member
Dec 24, 2003
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has anyone heard from lik sang about there pre orders yet ? they said shgould get an email about it today but not got it yet :o. just getting a bit worried incase they have somehow lost my preorders :o. But anyway my 2 ds`s should finally be here tomorrow or next day :D
No-ones got that elusive second e-mail yet mate.

I just conformed my ridiculously priced order at Play-Asia. I must be stupid to pay that amount, but that's what I sold the PS2, I'm willing to pay.
im not sure how much lik sang are goin to sell them for but it looks like it might not be bad considerin the strength of the pound against the dollar right now :D:D:D
Lik sang did state in one of their hands-on articles with the PSP that pre sale customers "should already be used to the thought of paying $450-600 for the value pack with one game".
CABBAGES posted on Dec 13 2004 at 01:35 AM said:
im not sure how much lik sang are goin to sell them for but it looks like it might not be bad considerin the strength of the pound against the dollar right now :D:D:D

It certainly helps, but I'm still paying loads.

On a plus note, my order status has changed to 'preparing order', so hopefully it should be shipped out soon---ish.
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and they still haven't told you the price? Awfully shady of them...........
got the email today they say for the psp with all the accessories and stuff its goin to be £275 :o.I might just get it anyway :D oh and my ds`s came today :D
CABBAGES posted on Dec 13 2004 at 06:06 PM said:
got the email today they say for the psp with all the accessories and stuff its goin to be £275 :o.I might just get it anyway :D oh and my ds`s came today :D

£275!!!! What do you get with that???? You can buy 3 New Slim PS2's for that (If they had them in stock)... Imagine getting hit by Customs, that would fire the price well over £300!!!

GBAX Site says the RRP is around £90
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seriously, that's like throwing your money away.
just wait until the supply of psps get higher and people will have to charge the msrp
sam fisher posted on Dec 13 2004 at 07:17 PM said:
Yes i have 2. Might sell one to one of my friends if they want it. If not then i will put it on ebay. I might get the psp now then if i dont think its woirth it i will sell that on ebay too :D
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Steve-O posted on Dec 13 2004 at 09:02 PM said:
GBAX Site says the RRP is around £90

it is

all the info that sony has released has stated it to be around that figure in terms of dollars/yen.

its the supply and demand rule coming into play, whilst i will readily believe that liksang has had to pay a bit more to their suppliers i refuse to believe it is this much more, however they know that some gamers want a psp so bad that they are willing to pay that much!
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ive got a 'prepairing order' at the moment on a ds with touch wario and mario 64 from lik-sang, but in a way i really would rather have a psp but the prices are ridiculous at the moment. ive promised myself to pre order a uk one when the shops are offering it. any one know of any price guide for the euro release?
spray posted on Dec 14 2004 at 01:51 PM said:
nice one kop!

sure you'll be icredibly pleased with it!

what games you planning on getting?

Ever since it was announced I knew the PSP was going to be for me.

I've ordered Ridge Racers with it. I was planning on getting that and Tiger Woods but the latter fot delayed so I left it at just Ridge Racers.

Just checking the UPS website now obsessivly wondering where it is:

Dec 14, 2004 20:19:17 HK CHEK LAP KOK HUB SCAN
Dec 14, 2004 20:18:31 HK CHEK LAP KOK HUB SCAN
Dec 14, 2004 19:46:59 HK KWAI CHUNG PICKUP SCAN

Cant wait to be honest now. Dont think I've been looking forward to getting a console as much as this since I got my PlayStation for Christmas back in the day.

I knew that Student loan would come in handy.

The PSP will be my portable musiv player now as well. Anyone know where I can get a Pro Duo Memory stick (at least 512mb) in the UK for a reasonable price?

Tension mounts as the PSP travels.

Gameplay have the standard PSP pack on pre-order for £179.99 at the moment. I'm sure this is just a high tentative price though - however, looking back at the PS and PS2 I wouldnt be suprised if the PSP UK price hike does indeed put a high price on the PSP - maybe even £200 for the Value Pack.
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Hopefully Sony should have met demand in japan by then so i might just get a jap unit when the prices calm down a bit. to be honest going by Sony's history on uk release prices iexpected it to be over £179.99, id be willing to pay that. Good choice kop, ridge racers is to be my first game too i reckon.
Im waiting for lik sang to get back to me coz im not sure if they will let me get the 2 i preordered. They only have that vampire chronicles and ridge racer so i think i will get both :D mayeb even 2 of each :D. When i sell one on ebay it will be lik ei got my one a lot cheaper really if you knwo what i mean :blink: