La vieille dame et les pigeons
Thanks very much to Rico, yauster and Mattmagoo as I encountered a few minor problems 
Anyway, best viewed in firefox at a res of 1600x12000.
Also look at it in IE, anyone know how to fix this?
Anyone know of any really good freehosts since this one's threatining me with adverts after 7 days unless I guess what:

ty in advance!
EDIT: shite I definatly need a new host, can't hotlink, which I desperatly needed
Anyway, best viewed in firefox at a res of 1600x12000.
Also look at it in IE, anyone know how to fix this?
Anyone know of any really good freehosts since this one's threatining me with adverts after 7 days unless I guess what:
ty in advance!
EDIT: shite I definatly need a new host, can't hotlink, which I desperatly needed