Freelauncher Is Not Encrypted To Your Gp32

  • Thread starter Thread starter TelcoLou
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I just recieved an email from my buddy, asnwering (hopefully) any questions you nay-sayers may have regarding the Freelauncher app, and its alleged encryption to one's own GP32:
Dear nay-sayers,

As you know there is currently a discussion about the freelauncher for
GamePark videogame system entitled GP32. When said device was brought
onto the market there was quite an uproar at the Gamefaqs Gameboy
board. Leading the charge was none other than Jsimmions, who was
at that time as a lunatic by many at that board, but that is besides
point. The Jsimmions convinced many people to "jump on the boat" with
I was interested but never could find the money to purchase the device.
Several years later and two of my friends had purchased the GP32.
friends being Viper20184 and Telcolou. This year I finally decided to
forth the money and buy the device, this was ofcourse after many
conversations with the three named individuals. The day finally came
and I
was without an internet connection. Over the summer I was in an area
getting a decent internet connection was very tough and expensive. One
I got on the internet at a Holiday Inn and I got Telcolou to send me
programs for the GP32. Those programs were LittleJohn0.4 and the
Freelauncher program. I installed both and had no problems at all.
computer I ran transferred from was a G759 laptop with a 266mhz
running Windows Xp. This has worked flawlessly the entire 5 months I
had my GP32. The only glitches I encountered was when the batteries
dying/dead, and that could hardly be Telcolou's fault, unless he plans
sending me batteries... However every program for the GP32 that
has sent me, the ones mentioned along with a textviewer, an old build
opensnes (.2 I think), and the pclink/host program, have worked

Having said that I give you my word that all that is written above is
and not a work of fiction. If you don't believe me, or Telcolou, then
don't know what to say, other than its working and my girlfriend is
Baku Baku right here beside me as I type this.


.. of course, sceptics will de-bunk this as non-proof, but it's all I have to go on, and I believe him.
You could have sent him the cracked freelauncher floating around on ed2k. It doesn't really matter what you say though (I actually believe you, there are better things to lie about) because free launcher does require encrypting for >99.9% of people.
Will do :D

I'm not home ATM, so this may have to wait until tomorrow, unless fastbilly can post it ...

Edit: For the record, this is the freelauncher I got when I registered my FLU, about a year ago ...
Maybe their ID creating algorythm messed up and gave out 2 with identical PDUID?

Though the chances, I'd have thought, of both you and your friend getting ones like that would be astronomical...
Strange! My first GP32 got broken so I got a new one but I couldn't run the freelauncher from my old GP32 on the new one...
Tobriand posted on Aug 24 2004 at 08:53 AM said:
Maybe their ID creating algorythm messed up and gave out 2 with identical PDUID?

Though the chances, I'd have thought, of both you and your friend getting ones like that would be astronomical...
There are loads of GP32s around with the identical PDUID acbeb1b8b7a6aab4acbeb1b8b7a6aab4
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Mr Spiv!! Your MultiFW/flashing app rocks!!

(Thank you also for that bit of possibly eye-opening information :) )

Anyways, here's the new topic, with the gp_launc.zpk attached:

New topic
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woogal posted on Aug 24 2004 at 10:27 PM said:
BaDToaD posted on Aug 24 2004 at 10:16 PM said:
I often wondered why they would spend time encrypting a free program.
Because the original fw can only launch encrypted software.

I think not, what about all the emulators and home-brew games? They're not encrypted ... :huh:
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mr.spiv posted on Aug 24 2004 at 06:50 PM said:
Tobriand posted on Aug 24 2004 at 08:53 AM said:
Maybe their ID creating algorythm messed up and gave out 2 with identical PDUID?

Though the chances, I'd have thought, of both you and your friend getting ones like that would be astronomical...
There are loads of GP32s around with the identical PDUID acbeb1b8b7a6aab4acbeb1b8b7a6aab4
Now THAT'S interesting... Do you have any idea why?
That would mean that the commercial games for one machine would run on others, too... OMG!
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EvilDragon posted on Aug 24 2004 at 11:44 PM said:
That would mean that the commercial games for one machine would run on others, too... OMG!
These are bad news indeed. IMHO, there are already enough pirated games for GP32 circulating...
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damaki posted on Aug 25 2004 at 09:11 PM said:
EvilDragon posted on Aug 24 2004 at 11:44 PM said:
That would mean that the commercial games for one machine would run on others, too... OMG!
These are bad news indeed. IMHO, there are already enough pirated games for GP32 circulating...

it's not like theyre worth pirating or anything
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mattmagoo posted on Aug 26 2004 at 01:06 PM said:
damaki posted on Aug 25 2004 at 09:11 PM said:
EvilDragon posted on Aug 24 2004 at 11:44 PM said:
That would mean that the commercial games for one machine would run on others, too... OMG!
These are bad news indeed. IMHO, there are already enough pirated games for GP32 circulating...

it's not like theyre worth pirating or anything

Some are... e.g. Pinball Dreams.
It didn't sell too good, thus we most probably will never get the much better Pinball Fantasies.
According to some eMails I had with Logikstate last year, it's finished. They wanted to release it with the European Launch.
I tried eMailing them again a few weeks ago - without an answer :(
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EvilDragon posted on Aug 26 2004 at 12:12 PM said:
mattmagoo posted on Aug 26 2004 at 01:06 PM said:
damaki posted on Aug 25 2004 at 09:11 PM said:
EvilDragon posted on Aug 24 2004 at 11:44 PM said:
That would mean that the commercial games for one machine would run on others, too... OMG!
These are bad news indeed. IMHO, there are already enough pirated games for GP32 circulating...

it's not like theyre worth pirating or anything

Some are... e.g. Pinball Dreams.
It didn't sell too good, thus we most probably will never get the much better Pinball Fantasies.
According to some eMails I had with Logikstate last year, it's finished. They wanted to release it with the European Launch.
I tried eMailing them again a few weeks ago - without an answer :(
I emailed them about it a few days ago, with the same result :(
Their website has had a redesign recently too and it no longer mentions anything about the gp32 :(
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EvilDragon posted on Aug 24 2004 at 09:44 PM said:
mr.spiv posted on Aug 24 2004 at 06:50 PM said:
There are loads of GP32s around with the identical PDUID acbeb1b8b7a6aab4acbeb1b8b7a6aab4
Now THAT'S interesting... Do you have any idea why?

I have no idea why.. I have just seen this from the #gp32 !encrypt trigger
logs. So I bet it's just the top of iceberg what I have seen..
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