Do You Guys Belive Time Travel Is Possible.

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Do you guys belive time travel is possible?

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Dont give me stupid answers,do some research on the topic first then give your opinion. I in one hand think it's possible because we here scientist saying this planet is this many light YEARS away. Imagine going out into deep space and coming back and not knowing anyone. I belive that if we someday break the speed barrier then we will start to travel in time instead of speed.

I know it sound's preaty stupid but i think it would work. I dont however think its possible to go back in time cause the past is the past and we cant control it but we can control our future and we can altar time. I think this theory is better then the dimensional theory only because it makes more since to me. If im wrong someone please correct me. I know this has nothing to do with the gp32 but it is a general discussion and we are talking about technology and this gp32_console little thing right here is very advanced. :P

Also I dont know to much about quantum energy but I heard somewhere if u steady a beam of quantum then you will be able to cross dimensions. I know this is way, way ahead of our time but its still fun to talk about. Us humans are still having trouble getting a man on mars :D Imagine time travel in our lifetime :P
first of all einstiens(dont know how to spell) thery if we walk backwards and go back in time then walk forwoards wed be stuck cause were always walking forwards just the same as time travel if you say its impossible to back in time then its impossible to go to the future my pont made
well they say that the speed of light is sort of the speed limit of everything
nothing can go faster than it

but what is something did
what would they see
complete blackness or old light
if it were old light then you would get the illusion that you are going back in time
i think that is resonable

i don't think it's possible to time travel like you age slower than others or whatever you were trying to say

well they say that the speed of light is sort of the speed limit of everything
nothing can go faster than it

but what is something did
what would they see
complete blackness or old light
if it were old light then you would get the illusion that you are going back in time
i think that is resonable

i don't think it's possible to time travel like you age slower than others or whatever you were trying to say

Any thing over the speed of light and the mas becomes infinite.
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well, I read the book " Hyperspace " and it showed me how theoreticly I could make a black hole one Earth from a pressure cooker.....
but I think that its posable, untill we run into a bunch of conundrums, or uh..... whats the things that cant happen, like you kill your dad? paradox?

Anything with mass to begin with will reach infinite mass as it approaches the speed of light. Light photons have no mass so they do not have this limitation. Some subatomic particles, quarks I think, have exceded the speed of light in particle accelerators aftyer colliding with other particles.
the 'travel faster and you will age slower' thing has evidence supporting it. they synchronised 2 extremely accurate clocks, then whizzed one around the earth a few times at high speed, and when they brought them back together again the one that had been moving was very slightly behind...

as far as I know they *haven't* managed to get anything moving faster than light. they thought thet had, but after reviewing the results, it turned out that *something* strange had happened, but the information hadn't actually broken the light barrier.

there is a theoretical subatomic particle they call the tachyon that moves faster than light, and backwards in time, but this has never been observed, it's just theoretical so far...

personally I think it's quite possible to recieve information from the past and future, and maybe when technology has gotten a *lot* better, there'll be fairly crude brute-force methods involving wormholes enabling large ordered pieces of matter (i.e. a people, resources, etc.) to be moved over large distances, maybe bypassing the light-speed barrier, and possibly to different points in the timeline... (not *exactly* time travel in the 'back to the future' sense, though...)

i think what will happen first is communication with other dimensions and times... that would be pretty cool :)

just my 2p
Ok this is going to sound wierd,
I dont really belive in time perse. I beleive in the concept of numrical time, ala 1 oclock, midnight ect. but I don't beleive in the chronological order of one event happening after another. I think that all that is in "the past" and the "future" has already 'happened' and will continue to exist 'forever'. THis makes time travel possible because theoreticaly any event can be acessed at any time. If that made no sense to you what-so-ever don't worry about it, almost no one I've told understands waht the hell im talking about. Fyi Im 100% sober right now :blink:

Long story short: vote=yes :D
you can STOP the (your) time when you are at light speed, and slowing it down when you are nerly at light speed,
you would travel forward in time when youre faster than light, but it is impossible to be faster than light, so keeping your age and letting the world move in teh future and tehn go back is teoretical possible, but not more.
you cant travel back in time couse the only way to arrive that would be moving the complete universe but you forward, the universe is endless, so you would need unlimited energy ->> impossible

just my 5 cent
There is this theory of the mobius, where time becomes a loop, where time becomes a loop, where time becomes a loop, where time becomes a loop, where time becomes a loop, where time becomes a loop, where time becomes a loop, where time becomes a loop....:P

They've already proven quantum entanglement, and that micro worm holes exist in the atmosphere. The possiblity of folding space and time and drilling a hole through it to come out the other side is more plausible to me. (Event Horizon, Contact,)

However, I would prefer sling shotting round the sun (Star Trek) by the seat of my pants (Cannonball run style chased by Klingons) to go back in time than stepping into a wormhole. The wormhole doesnt seem as fun (although it could have an Alton Towers theme park feel if it was like Stargate)

Also a more pertinent question is the theory that as we live and die that this is in fact not reality, but an unreality. That when we die, we wake up. (Matrix style).
Time is not existence but life in it's self. :blink: hehe :D :) I belive that if u go back in time u already went so in the end u never ended up back in time but never went forward so then time it self is stopped for u but not for others. I would feel sorry for the person who tries to go back in time one milisecond and is stuck in an infinite loop. I myself am always thinking about time travel and usual end figuring out many thing but eventualy forget them and start over again figuring them out. Which I personally think is fun. :D
Here's one for you. Have you ever fallen asleep, spent hours or even days in a dream world and then woken up to find only 10 minutes or so has gone by?

Figure that one out. :blink:
that would be the depths of your mind. things u see in your mind are faster then things in the outside world. :)