Dont give me stupid answers,do some research on the topic first then give your opinion. I in one hand think it's possible because we here scientist saying this planet is this many light YEARS away. Imagine going out into deep space and coming back and not knowing anyone. I belive that if we someday break the speed barrier then we will start to travel in time instead of speed.
I know it sound's preaty stupid but i think it would work. I dont however think its possible to go back in time cause the past is the past and we cant control it but we can control our future and we can altar time. I think this theory is better then the dimensional theory only because it makes more since to me. If im wrong someone please correct me. I know this has nothing to do with the gp32 but it is a general discussion and we are talking about technology and this gp32_console little thing right here is very advanced.
Also I dont know to much about quantum energy but I heard somewhere if u steady a beam of quantum then you will be able to cross dimensions. I know this is way, way ahead of our time but its still fun to talk about. Us humans are still having trouble getting a man on mars
Imagine time travel in our lifetime 
I know it sound's preaty stupid but i think it would work. I dont however think its possible to go back in time cause the past is the past and we cant control it but we can control our future and we can altar time. I think this theory is better then the dimensional theory only because it makes more since to me. If im wrong someone please correct me. I know this has nothing to do with the gp32 but it is a general discussion and we are talking about technology and this gp32_console little thing right here is very advanced.
Also I dont know to much about quantum energy but I heard somewhere if u steady a beam of quantum then you will be able to cross dimensions. I know this is way, way ahead of our time but its still fun to talk about. Us humans are still having trouble getting a man on mars