Can i ask what you think about what is happening in Spain.


Still Fresh
Jul 27, 2008
Well, i dont know if it is allow... cause i guess is not allow to talk about politics. If you want just delete it.

But it is not about politics, talking about one party or other. The problem is that in spain the voting system is designed to make win one of the 2 main parties, cause if you vote a small one, and they dont get a 5%, these votes go to the ones with more votes. Making hard to kick out the actual politicians.

You cant vote to one politicians or to other, you only can vote to the whole party, and actually, main parties are full of corruption, but now, that we have more than a 20% of unemployment, and the politicians are stealing and helping to the banks, at the same time that exist a law that if you are not able to pay the flat to the bank, you lose the flat, and you need to pay still the flat to the bank, etc.. etc... the people went to the street, to try to make them feel that something need to change.

Some links about:

A promotional video... but showing pictures of what is happening: , the people working there talk about that we live nowdays much better cause we have internet and we can travel to London for 30€ and all this movement dont have sense and was perfect that the police when to take out the people, until a woman call and give a great opinion, for the ones understand spanish :P is to long to write.

And i remember.. is not about socialism, liberals or what ever, is about the way the system is working. But if it can cause problems or it cause, just delete. I just want to know what you see/think from outside.
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Sounds like the Spaniards are as up crap creek without a paddle as the rest of the developed world to me :)

The level of political corruption across the EU, the USA, Israel and elsewhere, is frankly astounding at the moment. In the UK we were recently offered an expensive (to the taxpayers) referendum on our voting system.

The Liberal Democrats prior to becoming a coalition government had proposed a fairer voting system, more akin to Proportional Representation. Once we had a hung parliament in the general election and they sided with the Tories to CON-DEM us all, they backtracked on every pledge and Nick Clegg was wheeled out as a sheepish human shield for the Tories abhorrent welfare cuts, in-order to pay off the Bankers fictitious winnings that have crippled the country will debt. Rather than abolishing the current Banking system, have the Treasury print its own money without interest (usury) and return to a system of money that is value backed and not created purely as unpayable and non-existant DEBT from the outset.

The one pledge they almost kept, was offering a fairer vote system but the Tories changed this to AV voting, which is not as suitable a replacement as Proportional Representation (something they did not wish to offer us). As a result with a landslide failure, we are keeping the old system of first past the post voting. Which falls heavily in favour of keeping the main 2 parties of equal Corruption in power in future. The Coalition will be voted out next time around and we'll be back with Labour again, then Conservative ad-infinitum.

Not that this really matters anymore, as after signing further Treaties (Lisbon most recently) of joining the EU, the UK Parliament is in effect, just a small local council office under the way the EU has divided up Europes member states and effectively all current legislation that is passed onto the Statute Books in the UK, is now drawn up and voted on by the EU MEP's and not the decision of UK politicians anymore. They are effectively out of a job.

Not that that matters either, as effectively by signing the EU Treaties, all UK Politicians who are pro-EU are guilty of violating their OATHS OF OFFICE which allow them to take public office in the first place. Simultaneously they are also all guilty of TREASON, as their Oaths of Office require that they are allowed into office for only aslong, as they abide by the LAWS (not LEGAL system, there's a difference) OF THE LAND of ENGLAND. These LAWS prohibit any foreign power to EVER have any Jurisdiction on these shores. They were a safeguard put in place between the people and the Monarchy at a time without Parliament. All Parliaments may alter the legislations of any prior Parliament BUT they CANNOT ALTER/REPEAL these agreements between people and Monarchy. These are the English Constitution, which comprised amongst others the un-repealable Magna Carta of 1215 and the English Delaration of Rights 1688 and Bill of Rights of 1689. Which the USA and other countries derived their Bill of Rights from. Despite Politicians repeatedly telling us WE NEED A BILL OF RIGHTS like the USA. We have one already, they cannot alter it, are in Breach of it and are Scared of it, because it is TREASON to go against it.

Because of this Tony Bliar altered the Treason laws in 2005 to remove the Death Penalty and left Gordon Brown to do the actual signing. The Queen also signed the Lisbon Treaty. Which was a breach of her Coronation Oath, where she again swore she would never allow any foreign power jurisdiction over these lands. As a result she too is guilty of Treason and is effectively in Breach of her Coronation Oath, effectively out of a job aswell.

This may sound ridiculous but I assure you the evidence of this is utterly conviction worthy and is in the hands of the Metropolitan Police Force.

A decision at high levels has been made that this evidence could easily convict these politicians (starting with the remains of Edward Heath's parliament who first signed us into the E.E.C beginning this TREASON). However the Police are refusing to act on the evidence, as if they arrest just one politician for Treason, they have to arrest them all. Please DO!

As the Police are also public servants in positions of Public Office, they too are in breach of their Oaths of Office, in failing to act on evidence of Treason (A crime of Mis-Prison of Treason in itself), and in failure to uphold the laws of the land and apply the law equally to all people. As everyone is supposed to be equal under the eyes of the law.

Therefore we effectively have no legitimate POLICE FORCE, POLITICIANS or CONSTITUTIONAL MONARCH and are ruled from Brussels by un-elected Commission and a most un-democratic voting system on new legislation via the EU, whose manifesto is that of a Fascist Dictatorship in all but name.

All these leaders are guilty, corrupt and in the pockets of the corrupted (privately run) central banking system and its love of bankrolling the MIC for international conflict for the rape of resources for greedy profits.

We are all pretty screwed already and its going to get much much worse. I wish the Spandiards luck.

Rapture anyone?
Interesting post MarioPandio - I can't believe the vote for AV didn't got through - I can't think of a single reason why it wouldn't be a better system than what we currently have - even if it isn't full PR.

We're all getting shafted big time - we should pull out of Europe as soon as possible - and that's not cos I have problem with Europeans - I think all the countries of Europe are having the same problem...

Fight the Power.