Can You Guys Help?


Building a copy of a thing, for the record, is not theft in any way, shape, or form. 'Theft' is when a thing is removed from one's possession into another's, and duplication is a different thing leaving possession unattacked; therefore it is NOT, even in the remotest way, theft. You can not steal a concept, you can only 'copycat' it and a law against that is childish, immature, opressive, unfounded and ridiculous in my opinion. I don't care what type of bastardised/misinterpreted definition that you try to use, that is what theft means. If someone built the first house of its kind, and you had a machine that would examine the house and build a 1:1 copy of that house, you would not be stealing the house, you would be making a duplicate of it from your own physical-material resources, leaving the house unstolen and unaffected. Same as the indentions on the bottom of a DVD which you are buying anyway; maybe the ability to exploit money from it would be affected by the duplication, but such exploitation is not an inherent right anyway. Theft affects the actual physical location of an item; a concept of data arrangement, such as a program or artwork design, has got no physical location.

NOTE: this is NOT my oppinion. Just thought it would fit

(WarmFluffyUK @ Mar 30 2005, 09:08 AM)
Noo I don't think any software producer would risk that one.

It's MicroSoft.

hell, they risked releasing windows 98! Nothing can stop them!
I've been using a pirate copy of XP pro for 3 years now and I've never had any problems, service pack 2 and updates install fine. My copy is also powering several other PC's out there as well no conflicts have ever arisen.

Do what you like, as long as you have backups, who cares if they corrupt your hard drive in future.
Im on a legally aquired copy of OSX... gasp.

However if im on a pc I will nick a copy of XP/ Win 2000 off of a mate. Or I could just walk into my old college again and nick one of theirs they leave lying around.
I dont update XP anyway :P... When I view the list of updates that I can get, some of them date back to 2001 :P LOL

I just use a Good Firewall and and Antivirus software :)
firefly1201 posted on Mar 31 2005 at 12:44 PM said:
Question: Why would your friend want to pirate Windows?

IMO get Linux instead :)
Lynux is okey, if you want to play around for ages getting things to work, oh and of course most games don't run under it as there's no Direct X. And lots of software won't run either.

If you like compiling things for your version then it's fine... Ho Hum...

I think the point of the above is... Lynux isn't as user friendly as Windows yet. So Jo Public aint gonna want to know. Okay to you linux users out there, let me ask you this... Get a new device, plug it in, and what.. If you need a new driver then what? If you download the driver, what then? Please don't tell me you have to drop it in a bin folder somewhere and then mount the device Jeez...
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Didn't they say that in the future, you would have to register each bought copy of windows before you are allowed access to the windows updates? Kind of an extension to windows activation.

To prevent piracy of corporate versions of Windows, these versions would require communication with a central server inside the companies network, and they would only ever retrieve there updates from this server.

So, the corporate one will just get pirated, as normal, and then someone will write a program that pretends to be a server and downloads the patches and installs them...

Personally, I think they should fix there security flaws before trying a new way of tackling piracy...
LHC posted on Mar 31 2005 at 03:10 AM said:
SP2 fucked up my PC so I got rid of it and my PC fucked up even more. I managed to get everything working again fortunately.

Yeah it seems to do that for my friend too, it would screw up all his programs and not let him use them, then when he'd un install it would screw up windows even more and lock up a bunch... i wouldn't know as i have windows xp pro with sp2 and everything seems to work fine...

And as for now... Microsoft can't tell if your copy is pirated and can only tell by the license key, and if they find out you have pirated license key the only thing they do (for now) is disable windows updates, *gasp* "you mean i won't beable to get the new windows security fix 204486 i've been waiting for, for months" :angry: :P
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Squidge posted on Apr 1 2005 at 08:11 AM said:
Personally, I think they should fix there security flaws before trying a new way of tackling piracy...
Personally, I think they should fix there security flaws before releasing an OS!
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