World News Thread (Politics,whatever)

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Thanks, it’s just that I was Moderator on the Old Openhandhelds Board (that is now the german speaking part of this board) so I’m still want this board to be peaceful..

If someone tells that he would die for trump, it’s a bit scary for me ..

Im quite Pazifistic, shure I have a lot of knives, but they are tools for me, from the Swiss Army Knife to Leatherman and even fixed..

This second amendment thing in the USA is quite curious for me, in fact in some states you even could use a German WW2 MG42 on the Range.. , whyle whe ditnt even can carry a Leatherman in Public due to the One Hand Blade ..

Send from something, i guess ^^
If he'd just do his ramblings in speakers corner, at the subway station or whatnot, I might focus more on what happened to that poor guy. But the position, he is in and wants to be in for the next four years, gives him rather some influence on the lives of one or two people. It's not about the guy, but about his fitness for the job.
Some Italian economicist (is that the word in English?) came up with some coordinate system, that had an altruism-selfishness (I think? or was it morals?) scale on one axe and low to high intelligence on the other. I don't remember, who it was or what he called it, but sometimes I'd like to refer to it - like now. It was something about how unintelligent people tend to cause damage and intelligent ones rather cause prosperity. What I want to say is, you may not be certain, if a candidate really has your interests in mind, but an influential leader should at least be somewhat smart. Trump continues proving, that he's not.

I really appreciate you engaging on this. Just let me know if you want me to drop it.

So, I am pushing this point because I believe IT IS REALLY IMPORTANT. Let me maybe just say this: you and everyone on this board are REALLY REALLY CRAZY smart. I truly believe, actually I know this for a fact, that you have depersonalized him to a caricature in order to allow your self to hate him. I find this tragic because, honestly, you are all good people AND Trump is a good human being.

Do you know who are also good human beings? Most of the antifa and blm rioters and protesters. I am especially proud of the white kids protesting on behalf of antifa and blm. Obviously, I am happy to depersonalize the killers and murderers, but those are a tiny percentage.

Now, I don't know Trump personally, but I know Trump. I know his personality type because I worked for one CEO about 20 years ago that was almost 100% Trump in every conceivable way including womanizing (only always married beautiful women, never cheated on them, was a great father and family man, took care of his step children amazingly), was unbelievably charming and funny. He was also top dog and did not take bullshit from anyone and he swung hard (verbally) at those that tried to play a game they did not understand. People call this politics, but it's not a fair way to say it. He played a sophisticated game of maximizing the potential of everyone that worked with him and he had two tools: the core psychology of those working for him (and attacking him) and the perpetual psychological and tactical errors everyone always made by those working for him (and attacking him). Honestly, in this very thread, you and everyone here is making the same mistakes over and over, it's almost charming to watch.

Anyway. he built a company that had spectacular growth, everyone was making money and growing and everyone was unhappy because most people didn't know him so they didn't like him. What people did not understand was that this guys was a top producer. He was a Lionel Messi if you will. These kinds of people are special, they come once in a while, and when they do they show you that what you that was impossible, not only possible but trivial. And, as with most top producers, he only had a few expectations of those around him: show up on time, work hard hard hard, look at every obstacle as an opportunity, keep your mouth shut and learn learn learn AND absolutely make sure you have competence in your areas you are supposed to be an expert in and this man would move mountains for you.

He was basically a great human being that expected everyone around him to become a better them. For those that had direct access to him, they all got better because they got a regimented training program directly from the best. Those that were a little downfield hated him and said all of the same things you guys are saying about Trump.

Djoga'Ro, I know that you know this. I know this because I can read enough between the lines, you are way too smart not to know. I also know that ElPoco deep down understands that he has chosen to look at the world from a miserable perspective and, unfortunately, I get the sense that he actually enjoys that kind of misery.

I am not trying to convince you or change your mind. I am trying to talk to the part of your brain sitting behind the frontal lobe that is reading this at the same time as you that is quietly telling you that, yeah you hate the fucker, but you have deliberately chosen to look at him that way and not really take the time to think of him as just another human.

He's just another man. A man that is A GREAT FATHER. Completely not racist (his kids all married jews, something I cannot comprehend). Trump is someone that wants you to become a better you, not because he is better than you, but because he beleives in you (I mean the you from the American citizen perspective). Trump has NOT STARTED A SINGLE WAR in how many generations? Who was the last us president not to start a war, anyone know? My god. He got Israel and its enemies to sign peace deals?

Trump is a good man. You have been bamboozled by every system and every media point around you.

You are so embedded in a sea of people that can only see the world from ElPocos miserable world view that you have NEVER had anyone even once show you a positive aspect of Trump. Not a single person has spoken to you like a fully actualized human being and described Trump as a fully actualized human being.

This is important. It so much more important than I can actually write in this post. I want you to not open your heart uncritically. I want you to engage all of your gut feeling and all of your life experience and connect with what I wrote. I may have gotten a bunch wrong but you know the core part about Trump and humanity are true.
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To ElPoco, I apologize for the personal attack above. I needed to use your point to lever the point that misery begets misery. If you read this forum you can easily categorize world views into: pessimist, optimist and indifferent. I like to also add the category of MISERY. I have read many of your posts and you are truly smart and well read. You hold back a lot.

But, jesus christ, do you sound like you have a miserable perspective on the world. It so permeates your posts that, as post I posted, I get the feeling that you enjoy it. On the other hand, Djoga'Ro is intersting because he shares the same language that you do to describe the world but he has not bought into a miserable world view, there is an optimism there that is quite engaging.

Anyway, I apologize once again. Maybe I am wrong and you only like to post things that read that way.
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Thanks, it’s just that I was Moderator on the Old Openhandhelds Board (that is now the german speaking part of this board) so I’m still want this board to be peaceful..

If someone tells that he would die for trump, it’s a bit scary for me ..

Im quite Pazifistic, shure I have a lot of knives, but they are tools for me, from the Swiss Army Knife to Leatherman and even fixed..

This second amendment thing in the USA is quite curious for me, in fact in some states you even could use a German WW2 MG42 on the Range.. , whyle whe ditnt even can carry a Leatherman in Public due to the One Hand Blade ..

Valid points.
One thing I gotta say about the election, I don't understand the media's fear of projecting it too early. To project means to call it early. Like they've said, the real results don't even come in for weeks from now. They're literally afraid of calling it early too early.

No hard feelings for Trump, but stick a fork in him, he's done.
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