Protecting the pyra


Aug 12, 2006
Not thinking so much about in this thread about security as in trying to stop someone from pinching my pyra or software-based security. What I'm thinking of is how to protect the pyra from things like being dropped or bumped.

A very long time ago someone suggested (back when the pandora was still current) one way to protect the pandora was to use something called a pelican case (I think the cases are just called peli over here in the UK). Would the pyra fit into one of these at all (eg peli 1040)? (The good news is that this case still seems to exist.

A soft case will protect the pyra from dirt and grime a fair bit but won't save it if it gets knocked or bumped. That peli(can) case above might do the job but I've often wondered how well those sort of cases can ever work since they are all plastic - and (not going to try it with my pandora) wouldn't it just shatter the first time it hits the deck?

The reason I'm asking is because I'm hoping to use the pyra a lot - far more than my pandora. The pandora was pretty good but alas internet bloatware caught up with it -- the bloated nature of a lot of webpages these days brought web browsing to crawl on older machines x.x . Really hope that does not happen to the pyra too quickly! If all works out and claws crossed I'm hoping to leave behind my mobile phone too (an old samsung galaxy s5 un-googled by using lineageos).

If you haven't already seen it, then you might also be interested in this thread:

Not quite the same as you're asking, but if it's still an option, I think something like that leather holster could be pretty cool.
A soft case will protect the pyra from dirt and grime a fair bit but won't save it if it gets knocked or bumped. That peli(can) case above might do the job but I've often wondered how well those sort of cases can ever work since they are all plastic - and (not going to try it with my pandora) wouldn't it just shatter the first time it hits the deck?
Depends on the plastic, and it's rigidity. Indeed they're named after their ability to bend but not break; that's what a plastic deformation in a metal bar is for example.

In my experience soft cases also protect things from scratches and scuffs. A soft case inside a leather bag can also survive everyday drops from my hand height to the floor. I'd also recommend judicial use of the lanyard holes if you're concerned about it.
I had my Pandora only protected whit a wrist band, so it ditnt fall out of my Hands,
Other than that, i trow it unprotectet in my Workpands Side Pocket, and its got some wear but survived quite good..
I ditnt took too much care about it, although its case shall be much less sturdy than on the Pyra...
Ditnt they said the Pyra Plastik is bulletproof?? As i barely met someone whit a gun in germany, my Pyra should be save..
My plan is to use the Pyra the same as the Pandora..
Not bulletproof. For that I think you need some strong inclusions like carbon fibre to make a plastic anything like bulletproof. The polycarbonate case though, if shaped ideally is stamp proof, as proven by the video of a plastic moulding employee stamping on something like bottle packaging, and half a bottle has something of the shape of an arch, which is actually quite good at resisting downward pressures. A pyra in the same material won't be quite as tough but it should be plenty tough enough for most human use. I think they make riot shields out of ABS, which might be tougher but slightly more flexible (flexibility helps make things tougher, due to their ability to displace forces slightly, but isn't ideal when you're concerned about containing electronics in their correct orientation especially in this smaller scale.
Ok, I've dropped my Pandora many times. From my bunk bed while sleeping to the bicycle road while traveling. The things that got damaged were the L1 and R1 side bumpers.
So far, I havent found something that works. From silicone (stops the scratching, but still makes the bumper press so hard it gets stuck), to air cushions with tape (very ugly).
So the real way to not damage your device is to NOT drop it. Now the lawnyard is perfect for that, however, the Pandora still reboots on hard impacts (even with clammed down battery) so the second recommendation is: Do not subject your device to high G forces.
Finally bought a man-purse (a sidebag). It works well. I also have a mini backpack, also works, but changing the music is harder (need to reach your backpack). In winter I have coats with big pockets. Keeps it save and warm. So the third recommendation is: Buy a coat with big pockets.
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That and the wobbly battery contacts. I did manage to fix mine for most of it's lifetime using three or four differently wrapped wads of paper stuffed judiciously in the battery compartment with it, but I guess that wouldn't work for everyone. Reportedly the Pyra should be less susceptible to that, as well as the shoulder buttons being stoppered properly so they shouldn't run into the switches and push the off even with sufficient force to do that.
Ok, the Pyra isnt bulletproof, but wouldnt this be a good oportunity to ban firearms in every country?

I had some issues whit my Shoulderbuttons bevore when they got stuck.. , and when i got my Pandora, one of the Shoulerbuttons ditnt work because a foampad was not on it right place, i needet 2 Months (tm) until i opened the bottonpart and fix the shoulderbutton
If whe ban every gun, nobody should have guns ^^
But outlaws will have guns. When ideology and reality clash it's better to plan for reality.

Anyway, I might use my New 3DS XL case to protect my Pyra. After all, the Pyra is just a rebranded 3DS. And of course when using the Pyra I will ALWAYS wear a strap, even if just to look cool.
So i need a gun to protect my Pyra, because its better to shoot first than to have a Pyra whit a hole ^^
At least in Germany i ditnt got to a situation where i would need a Gun..
Also: Whe dont have the law that allows us to hurt somewhone to protect ourself, if you shoot a robber, than you can go to jail..
Not bulletproof. For that I think you need some strong inclusions like carbon fibre to make a plastic anything like bulletproof. The polycarbonate case though, if shaped ideally is stamp proof, as proven by the video of a plastic moulding employee stamping on something like bottle packaging, and half a bottle has something of the shape of an arch, which is actually quite good at resisting downward pressures. A pyra in the same material won't be quite as tough but it should be plenty tough enough for most human use. I think they make riot shields out of ABS, which might be tougher but slightly more flexible (flexibility helps make things tougher, due to their ability to displace forces slightly, but isn't ideal when you're concerned about containing electronics in their correct orientation especially in this smaller scale.

Ballistic goggles (the ones used on shooting fields) are usually made out of 2 to 3 mm polycarbonate. For example, the ESS ICE use 2,4mm PC lenses:

For those who have never touched a sheet of PC, PC is very ductile, you can "cut" a 2 mm sheet of acrylic by marking it with a sharp tool and then bending, but if you try that with PC, it doesn't break, it just bends. PC's high impact capacity and clearness is why it's usually used for motorbike screens (windshields), car headlights, and any application which requires transparent impact protection (but not heat protection).

So if you drop your Pyra, its case will not break, but most likely it would dent.
But outlaws will have guns. When ideology and reality clash it's better to plan for reality.

this belongs in the politics thread, but gun death statistics in other countries show a different reality than the hypothetical reality you're painting.

not against gun ownership, but america needs to learn from countries like Japan and Switzerland to prevent needless deaths...
If the Peaple use thyre Firearms just for sporting and a bit Aim Shooting on Ranges, and nobody would use thyre Firearms against other Peaple, this whole Gun Topic would be quite Interesting, and im also watching some Gun Related American Youtube Channels because the Mechanics are quite interesting, but they shoot only on Targets , or something..

Im more a fan of Knives, as these are also meant as a Tool, you can slice your bread roll whit your knive for breakfast, or open a Package whit a Pyra in, but a Gun is only meant as a Weapon, and you cant do anything else whit this..
Shure there are also Sporting Guns, but these arend also no tools..