v 0.7 alpha (30/09/2004)
This release of GpFinalWar is a test version, along with the map and campaign editors,
to see if there is an interest in the Gp32 community for this game.
The 1st goal of this test release is to kill the last bugs, but also to get feedback,
and maybe further, to release the game engine as a moddable program, which would load
terrain tiles, wall tiles, custom user interface, units and buildings in a .mix format
that would come with a units / buildings editor.
If there is enough interest on the project, then I should take the time to do that.
0 - Changes
0.7 changes: External files at last !!!!!!!!! This is a first test, so there may be
a lot of troubles. As the old campaigns are not compatible, this release should be used
only by people using the WarGame maker. A stable version should be released soon with a
full campaign (another campaign, a better one).
1 - Installing campaigns / maps
The game looks for the campaigns / maps in the gp:\gpmm\maps folder. The files you'll
find in the game archive should not be moved and copied directly on smc in the gpmm
In a skirmish game, you can select .map or .mis files as they all contain a map.
To start a new campaign, just select the name of the campaign file.
2 - Controls
Pad to move the pointer
A to select / give an order
double click on A selects each unit of the same kind
B to unselect buildings / units / sell / repair
hold B for a selection rectangle
Select once to make the side menu appear
Select again to make the pointer go onto it
and Select from the sidemenu to get back to the game
L controls the zoom, using the Pad (up / left to zoom in, down / right to zoom out)
L can also create a group, using Start / Select / A / B (4 groups)
R speeds up the pointer
R can also call a group using the same buttons
Start pauses the game
3 - Credits
Thanks for playing GpFinalWar !!! Any comments are appreciated,
If the game engine pleases you and you'd like to use it with your own gfx, contact me !!!
(please note - I've got no job for now - and I'm ready to move all over the world if you're in the
videogame industry
