subbing also helps u learn languages 
Because of their retarded, babbling, drug-ridden gangster voices?killbarney posted on Mar 23 2005 at 09:34 AM said:I like subtitles, it helps a lot with some films like I used it with all three parts of the Godfather for helping with knowing what was happening
craigix posted on Mar 21 2005 at 09:23 PM said:And shot in only 17 days...
finty posted on Mar 24 2005 at 03:08 PM said:Oh, just remembered Sleepers, it is brilliant.
Darn, did I forget to include the City of the Lost Children on my list? Great movie, although I have the feeling that I'm on the fringe of people who like it (most people who like it also love Donnie Darko, and I really didn't like that film).The Wub posted on Mar 24 2005 at 02:51 PM said:who could resist a fave film thread?
City of the Lost Children
Withnail and I
Team America
Play it again Sam
This is Spinal Tap
Short Cuts
Ed Wood
Bob Roberts
Jacobs Ladder
nice to see Screamers on someones list, much better than minority report for sure! Follows the short story much better than any of the other Phillip K. Dick movies I've seen, just with a lower budget.