Top 10 Film's Ever!

Reservoir Dogs
Donnie Darko
Pulp Fiction
Full Metal Jacket
Fight Club
The Shawshank Redemption
American Beauty
LA Confidential

Cliche list #117782147 I know, but things become overdone for a reason I suppose.
The Dark Crystal

Oh my god, another Dark Crystal fan! I watched this 1000x as a kid. But really it isn't THAT amazing a movie in my opinion, as today it only really touches my nostalgia, just like Goonies (another movie I watched 1000x as a kid). Although I must say, both movies were well before their time, and still are unmatched by many of this age.

I'll have to think about what movies I consider my "favorite". I usually can't decide except to say, "all the ones I don't think are total crap".
I know it's on telly all the time, but I watched the chariot races in Ben Hur again the other day. The realism of this film is amazing. Who wants computer effects like lord of the rings, when you can actually build an entire roman empire with a full gigantic stadium, populate it with 100 thousand people, and act the whole thing out as though it was really happening, - including a little animal cruelty for that extra touch of realism.

generalnmx said:
Oh my god, another Dark Crystal fan! I watched this 1000x as a kid. But really it isn't THAT amazing a movie in my opinion, as today it only really touches my nostalgia
Oh, i dunno... The traditional puppetry and fantasy scenes are still admirable.
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I don't see how Matrix Reloaded and Revolutions were overhyped, given they are mostly regarded as shitty cash ins.

The first one is incredibally overrated however.
They changed, they changed. I was sooo bored i started lookin through my old posts(sad i know).
Here they are.

Blade 2
Donnie Darko
Volcano High (Crazy Korean Film)
Akira (never gonna change)
Ghost In The Shell (wanna see the second one)
Cowboy Bebop (Everyones got it so why can't I, plus I prefer the series but the movies still good)
generalnmx posted on Sep 5 2004 at 03:33 AM said:
The Dark Crystal

Oh my god, another Dark Crystal fan! I watched this 1000x as a kid. But really it isn't THAT amazing a movie in my opinion, as today it only really touches my nostalgia, just like Goonies (another movie I watched 1000x as a kid). Although I must say, both movies were well before their time, and still are unmatched by many of this age.

I'll have to think about what movies I consider my "favorite". I usually can't decide except to say, "all the ones I don't think are total crap".
Yeah, that probably adds to thing. The bit when the lizard things face rots of used to shit me up when I was a kid :D

Well, on that subject what about the Never-Ending Story?
The wolf bit used to make me jump.
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Dumb and dumber
National lampoons vacation (wally world)
The amazing mr blunden
Alien vs Predator
Blade 2
Way of the Dragon
The Abyss
Beverly hills cop
The principal
The Shawshank Redemption

Hmm... My best 10 films in no order:

Donnie Darko
Oceans Eleven
Wayne's World
Wayne's World 2
Star Wars VI: Return of the Jedi
Terminator 2: Judgement Day
Pulp Fiction
Not in an order, and subject to constant change based on my mood and memory:

Bill and Teds excellent adventure
Ferris Bueler's day off
American Beauty
Back to the Future 1 & 2
Ed Wood
Total Recall
Annie Hall
Lexx : V 1.1

Saw is no where in the least bit sick, infact parts of it were cheesy as hell. but still a good movie.

Shaun of the Dead
The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou
Enemy at the Gates
Fight Club
Starship Troopers
Cowboy Bebop
Office Space



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Nova posted on Mar 18 2005 at 05:50 PM said:
LHC posted on Mar 18 2005 at 04:14 PM said:
xboxit posted on Mar 18 2005 at 10:32 AM said:
Here they are.

Blade 2

for some reason i really love 'dark city', its probably cos its so surreal

If you like Dark City, you may like The City of Lost Children. Personally, I found the editing in Dark City too abrupt, as if the movie was actually supposed to be 30 minutes longer but they made up for it by cutting 30 seconds off each scene. ColC is one of my favourite movies though. At the moment, the others are:

Ashik Kerib
The Mad Adventures of Rabbi Jacob
The Passion of Joan of Arc
Star Wars Trilogy
Turkish Star Wars (anybody heard of it? :P )
City Lights
The Adventures of Prince Achmed (world's first animated film)
Solaris (1972)
Why Worry

As you can see, I tend to like films that nobody's seen. ;) It doesn't mean they're not good, though.
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