Request: Pandora Kernel Update 4.7.6 ?


Hardcore Member
Staff member
Jan 18, 2010
Hi i found a Video where one User the Omap SGX530 Driver for the Kernel 4.7.6 got working.

Maybe we can have a Kernel Update for the Pandora?
I would like a Kernel Update for supporting many more DVB-Devices and more Drivers.
Had 3 DVB-C USB Dongles here and no one is working on our older 3.2 Kernel.

Here is the Video with a Howto get the SGX-530 working on 4.7.6 ..even with the Binary Blobs.

I think @notaz would be the only one who can give us a Kernel Update but when anyone other
can make a Kernel..i can test it out because i have all Pandora Revisions here.

Regards ;)
The 4.7 kernel is no longer receiving security updates by the way (but for that matter, neither is the kernel the Pandora currently has anyway). Currently, the kernel fork designed to receive updates the longest is 4.4 which gives us almost three years of security updates.
4.x has already been done on Pandora:

The only problem is that it targetting letux OS rather than SuperZaxxon. I think something needs to be done pre-build to support aufs and other bits, but I don't really know all about that. I think ATC takes HNSs patched source and builds with that stuff included for Pyra, but that would be hardfp presumably, so require some different flags to compile for pandora. So near and yet so far.
I would like a Kernel Update for supporting many more DVB-Devices and more Drivers.
Had 3 DVB-C USB Dongles here and no one is working on our older 3.2 Kernel.
Until now the 4.x/5.x kernels have a problem with the USB 2.0 connector on the Pandora to my knowledge.
I tried yesterday Evening to simply Replace the Kernel from Letux and the Kernel Modules in Zaxxon but ended in "no more booting"
For me its okay..i wanted to reflash my Pandora anyway.

This Evening i will do the Reflash.
I am able to boot the 5.10 letux kernel, I'm cowardly booting off an SD-card.
The thing which solved it for me was to do mkimage for uBoot, and I couldn't get the dtb appended correctly so i just added it on the side.

My autoboot.txt:

setenv bootargs root=/dev/mmcblk0p2 rw rootwait vram=6272K omapfb.vram=0:3000K mmc_core.removable=0
echo "Loading kernel..."
ext2load mmc 0:1 0x80300000 /uImage-5.10.0-postmarketOS
echo "Loading initrd..."
ext2load mmc 0:1 0x82300000 /uInitrd-5.10.0-postmarketOS
echo "Loading dtb..."
ext2load mmc 0:1 0x83000000 /omap3-pandora-1ghz.dtb
echo "Booting"
bootm 0x80300000 0x82300000 0x83000000

Still trying to find out what is working and what needs some attention.