Need Repairs or Upgrade? Here's What to do (and not to do)!

I would do but I did try another battery which has a charge but it didn't work. It seems to be completely lifeless, there's no lights coming on not even a charging LED.
Clean up the contacts, put the battery without cover and move it to try to make a good contact.

The 1GHz is not the Rebirth BTW.
The sticker underneath the battery on my Pandora disagrees I think - it's a rebirth sticker with a 1GHz sticker stuck on a corner, which would suggest it's a rebirth 1GHz unit. But yeah, in the parlance we've developed here devices are either classic Pandoras (Made by CC, 256GB RAM, 600MHz CPU) or rebirth (Made by GC, 512MB RAM, 600MHz CPU) or 1GHz (Made by GC, 512MB RAM, 1GHz CPU).
Wait, my classic Pandora has 256GB of RAM!? Wow, I should stop bothering with swap!

On topic, my classic unit is also in need of repairs :(. My microphone doesn't work, the charging port doesn't work, the mini USB port cuts out at the slightest wiggle, the unit reboots with the smallest of bumping or shaking or moving around, the battery maxes out at like 80% capacity, the sound crackles if you so much as touch the volume wheel, and the case has a bunch of cracks and a giant hole in the battery cover. I've been meaning to send it in but I can't go without it, even in its current condition I use it every day.

There's no option in the dragonbox shop for most of these issues. I assume I should just send it in with a note describing all the problems and ask EvilDragon to just fix what he can and bill me the total cost?
(in my defence, where I grew up we all had KB [or kB, according to some] and we were content, so these new fangled Ms and Gs confuse an old sort like me. And some of the stuff I buy these days even has multiple Ts of stuff)

Yes, send it to ED. I'd suggest omitting the battery to avoid customs weirdness - ED has batteries, and I suspect that's not bad if it'll charge to a reported 80%. If bumping the unit causes reboots I'd suggest packing the battery compartment with little wads of paper like I've done - I'm currently rocking four or five little wads I think, and it's mostly stable now although a three foot drop onto carpet will still cause it to reboot. But you're other issues especially difficulty getting a charge onto the board are worth getting an RMA for.
Hey guys,

I'm hoping to get my Pandora fixed as it seems the LCD cable has shat itself. It initially started as a pink/purple haze, then started flickering for a period of time when booting up. Now the screen just doesn't come on at all. I noticed there was no LCD cable repair option on the DragonBox Pandora repair section.

It will be an after warranty repair. Who do I throw money at to get the rebirth of my Rebirth?

Sent from my SM-N9005 using Tapatalk
Hey guys,

I'm hoping to get my Pandora fixed as it seems the LCD cable has shat itself. It initially started as a pink/purple haze, then started flickering for a period of time when booting up. Now the screen just doesn't come on at all. I noticed there was no LCD cable repair option on the DragonBox Pandora repair section.

It will be an after warranty repair. Who do I throw money at to get the rebirth of my Rebirth?

Sent from my SM-N9005 using Tapatalk

He finished them, but seems like he will get more soon
He finished them, but seems like he will get more soon

I am also plagued by a bad LCD cable. I still have a picture on the screen, but the pandora is barely usable with lots of non wanted green lines and bad colors.

I hope he will have them soon ^^
one more person who needs lcd replacement here. does anyone know when/whether will they be back in stock?
Are there any news about Pandora LCD cables? I just got the purple screen of death, it was a complete surprise without any gradual deterioration. This is a ReBirth unit that's been hardly used, System Info shows 31 charge cycles after 5 years - couldn't have opened and closed the lid that many times... :|

Hopefully the screen won't die right away and I'll be able to keep testing my work on it every now and then. Thankfully I'm almost done with the Pandora-specific parts of my lib, but I was hoping to have it around for many more years.
I suspect ED's worried about the MOQ for a new batch. He'd have to invest a great deal of cash for rather limited sales.

That said, a single part that can revive the whole device is worth a lot - and I'd certainly buy more than one.