Hardcore Member
Hey everyone,
As you know i've been running Pandoralive for a while now (more than 3 months) and while I have no problem continuing it, i'd like to see other writers/contributors to expand the number of articles and subjects covered. I only have so much time in the day to work on it, and any help is appreciated. Personally I'd like to have one new post every day of the week in order to build a following.
Here's what I am looking for:
- Regular writers (i.e. motivated people). If you only intend to write one post and then disappear, it's not really helpful in the end. The frequency of publication can vary, but I'd expect at least one article a week. There's a lot to be done, to test and write about. If you don't have any idea, I can offload mine on you and you'll have enough to write about for 6 months or more
Note that I expect relatively autonomous people here, who can write correct English and structured, thoughtful articles. The idea is to keep publishing what I consider "added value" articles, not just a bunch of news or light reviews.
- Guest posters. There were many already, but it's always great to have someone step in and say they will do a one shot article on a particular subject that they know very well. I am always interested to see developers step in as well and explain how they ported X or Y software.
- My Day With The Pandora series: similar to the guest post idea, but for this you dont need any specific knowledge, so if you feel you are using your Pandora in an interesting way that has not been described before, please feel free to propose an article too.
- Social Managers: People who do facebook/twitter/etc.. and who would be willing to manage such services for Pandoralive. Currently I am not using much of this and there's a clear opportunity to do more, but 1) I dont really like spending time on social networks and 2) I dont have time for that.
- People who can help with Wordpress / I need a couple of fixes on the templates but I dont have enough time to look at the technicalities on how to do it. If anyone around here is very experienced with Wordpress please shout, it's probably faster this way.
That's it.
If you like Pandoralive and want to see it thrive, please DO answer
As you know i've been running Pandoralive for a while now (more than 3 months) and while I have no problem continuing it, i'd like to see other writers/contributors to expand the number of articles and subjects covered. I only have so much time in the day to work on it, and any help is appreciated. Personally I'd like to have one new post every day of the week in order to build a following.
Here's what I am looking for:
- Regular writers (i.e. motivated people). If you only intend to write one post and then disappear, it's not really helpful in the end. The frequency of publication can vary, but I'd expect at least one article a week. There's a lot to be done, to test and write about. If you don't have any idea, I can offload mine on you and you'll have enough to write about for 6 months or more
- Guest posters. There were many already, but it's always great to have someone step in and say they will do a one shot article on a particular subject that they know very well. I am always interested to see developers step in as well and explain how they ported X or Y software.
- My Day With The Pandora series: similar to the guest post idea, but for this you dont need any specific knowledge, so if you feel you are using your Pandora in an interesting way that has not been described before, please feel free to propose an article too.
- Social Managers: People who do facebook/twitter/etc.. and who would be willing to manage such services for Pandoralive. Currently I am not using much of this and there's a clear opportunity to do more, but 1) I dont really like spending time on social networks and 2) I dont have time for that.
- People who can help with Wordpress / I need a couple of fixes on the templates but I dont have enough time to look at the technicalities on how to do it. If anyone around here is very experienced with Wordpress please shout, it's probably faster this way.
That's it.
If you like Pandoralive and want to see it thrive, please DO answer
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