[gigas] Still Alive


Certified Guru
Feb 16, 2004
Hiya, notice the threads been dead lately - haven't worked on gigas for a while due to both work and my PC dieing on me (tons of reinstalling)

luckily i backed gigas up, so once i get GCC downloaded again and visual studio installed i'll continue working on it, 0.7.5 was almost ready so hopefully not too long.

Im a bit gutted cos DJwillis help me set up a great dev enviroment, luckily all the gp32 librarys etc i kept inside my programing folder which is backed up, but all the external programs i've lost (GCC and some other one) - problem is i can't remember where i got them from originally :D

djwillis gave me a link to a "how to make ur own dev enviroment" thing he'd done, but i can't find it anywhere now to redownload the GCC 3.4, so if anybody knows what im talking about a link would be great.

also im going to open source all my stuff in a week or two, including my unreleased projects - also i've made a 'core' game engine which can be used by anybody to start a game instantly, it has controls, a tight game loop with proper timing for locked frame-rates and generally all the stuff you need to get yourself started on a GP32 project.

new gigas should be released as soon as i get it compiled and get my dev kit setup again.
im pretty stubborn - i almost always get my projects finished even if nobody cares about them anymore :) but open sourcing is how i learnt to code in the first place and i always comment my code with that in mind (half my code is comments/explanations).

open source opens you to alot of critism which is why i think most coders are put off, or they worry people will steal their ideas etc - but seeing as the GP32 is a non-commerical platform and that its supported 99% by homebrew, if somebody steals a part of one of my projects to make something original with - im cool with that even if it goes uncredited.

my coding isn't great, but it works which is enough for now :)

Generalnmx - your a star, thats the exact page i was looking for :) Djwillis already built me a toolchain, i just lost all the .exe's which were stored in external folders - hopefully i can just install gcc, binutils and it should all compile again.
will u be relasing source for certain emualtors ;)

good to hear u are keeping going, I think people have maxed out all the benefits of 0.7 and the imprvements in 0.7.5 should allow sum1 to make a proper game
Yep... looking forward to the next ver (and especially to Chatboard suppot now I've got one - w00t :) ).

Glad to hear you're still working on it, Pirotic; Gigas is brilliant, and ever will remain :)
Enslaved posted on Jul 21 2004 at 09:40 PM said:
Sweet. Are you opening the source for help on the projects or are you abandoning them :(
lol I think that's what he said he definitely wasn't gonna do....

anyway goodluck pirotic I was gonna ask what had happened.. ;)
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Wolfsclaw posted on Jul 23 2004 at 09:52 AM said:
does "all (un)released projects" to be released as open-source also cps32 ? ;)
I doubt it he said that people should not mention that one as it ran into difficulties before anything became playable... (or something)
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new gigas with proper save game supported should be out soon, been so busy with work and other commitments haven't had much time to work on it other than optimisations here and there.

save game support is a pretty big feature, it allows maps to stay changed once you leave them, and for switchs to stay swiched etc. you can't really make a very deep game without it cos the maps will just reset everytime you go/come back.

not sure if i should allow the user to save anywhere, or force them to save at save points.. seems silly having savepoints if they can save anywhere, but it seems silly forcing save points when its a portable system.. if your battery is about to die you need to save asap after all.

anyway, i'll keep you updated. i'll open source it from the next release too.
OH MY GOD!!! :o

I just checked out your home page, and as I just said, this is a dream come true!

I knew there was a reason I bought a GP32 and this is it!!

For the record, in front of everyone here, I would like to say that I will
personally be paying you £30 for the finished version. Hope thats a
little more insentive to keep plodding at it! :P

Can't wait!! You've made my day!


ZX Beccy
Hiya again, been having PC troubles of late - had to reinstall everything AGAIN yesterday after my windows install fuffed up, put it on a new HD this time so hopefully thats it sorted for now :)

Compiled gigas again last night, going to tidy up what i was doing a few months back and then release it as a temporary step-release while i get back into the grove of things and start work on the missing 'big' features (sound/items/more editing functions etc).

Welcome to the scene ZX Becky and thanks for the support, im looking foward to getting it completed myself so i can start spending time adding silly little functions such as subgames and possibly porting it to other formats (Nintendo DS is interesting, imagine editor on one screen, playing in real time on the other screen).

Keep meaning to get around to open sourcing a few things but im so busy with work, i'm hoping to getting around to doing GP32 related stuff this weekend but as i haven't touched a line of code for ages now most of that time will prob be brushing of cobwebs.

infact its been so long i loaded it up on my GP32 the otherday and was surprised when the cutscene started as i forgot i had already done cutscenes/speech :D.

hopefully a fresh pair of eyes will mean i can find many ways of improving it (which is what this weekend is for)

anyway, im blabbering on.

anybody got any demo games yet i can nosey at?
Pirotic posted on Aug 1 2004 at 11:31 PM said:
not sure if i should allow the user to save anywhere, or force them to save at save points.. seems silly having savepoints if they can save anywhere, but it seems silly forcing save points when its a portable system.. if your battery is about to die you need to save asap after all.
What about if you let the creator of the RPG choose this?
It would only be 1 parameter in a config file ;)
And not hard to code either... just disable saving everywhere if the parameter is set ;)
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EvilDragon posted on Aug 6 2004 at 10:19 PM said:
Pirotic posted on Aug 1 2004 at 11:31 PM said:
not sure if i should allow the user to save anywhere, or force them to save at save points.. seems silly having savepoints if they can save anywhere, but it seems silly forcing save points when its a portable system.. if your battery is about to die you need to save asap after all.
What about if you let the creator of the RPG choose this?
It would only be 1 parameter in a config file ;)
And not hard to code either... just disable saving everywhere if the parameter is set ;)

Coded in save-points and took out the 'save' function from the menu. the editing mode and the playing mode are slowly becoming very different, but you can still 'test' the editing mode so it doesn't have any negative effects.

only change is, some things wont function when testing a game, save points for instance are disabled - as if you want to edit something, you do it during the edit mode so we dont want the testing mode saving over stuff and messing it up (like it does in the current version)
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