Burger King Prank...

PinkSpider posted on Jul 17 2004 at 10:11 AM said:
Veggy burgers are nice enough and dont contain any dead animals (I have a thing about dead things... eww). Also I like animals and stuff... and my ex likes cows and yea, that is all.
For pete's sake man, you're covered with at least three layers of dead skin. Don't forget all those dead plants you eat. And I don't even want to mention how much dead bacteria you're breathing in with every single breath of air. Oops.
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PinkSpider posted on Jul 17 2004 at 02:17 PM said:
Lol.. its all bs really!

EDIT: i fixed it...i was talking to someone as i typed that... :lol:
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PinkSpider posted on Jul 17 2004 at 10:11 AM said:
Veggy burgers are nice enough and dont contain any dead animals (I have a thing about dead things... eww). Also I like animals and stuff... and my ex likes cows and yea, that is all.

For every animal you save, I'll eat three. Just had alligator, ostrich, shark, kangaroo and pig meat this friday. A pity they did not have monkey. Or dolphin. I love thuna and I secretly pray for dolphin in mine every time I open a can.

Just put it on my plate, I'll make it stop struggling.

Damn I don't understand veggies.

Oh, fast food. I don't eat it. Tastes like crap.
You know what pisses fast food companioes off? Order a burger and when you get it, take it out of the package, look at it and say "Woof woof".
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PinkSpider posted on Jul 18 2004 at 09:22 AM said:
Eat as many as u want.. im no trying to save them... just not eat them :blink:
Thanks, I will :D

I still don't understand it. Why don't you want to eat the sweet cuddly cute little animals?
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PinkSpider posted on Jul 18 2004 at 11:21 AM said:
meh. I get it everywhere... ive been veggy for 13 years now. I dont mind others eating meat... infact I went out with someone that did.
My GF eats meat, and I don't care. I don't force my views on anybody. But when people (not saying anyone from these boards, just in day to day life) say that It's all part of the natural food chain and I'm stupid for doing it it really pisses me off.

I just had a convo with someone at work about 10 minutes ago on this topic, so I'm all fired up lol.
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Not stupid. Just no veggie has yet explained to me why they would not eat meat, and I wonder what your motives are.

If your reasons are the cuddly little animals, you are stupid :P

And by the way, fuck the natural food chain. I just eat whatever the hell I feel like. The current food chain is more of a food center of gravity with "human" in the middle and everything else being eaten :D
Reasons why I dont eat meat.
  • I dont like dead things
  • I dont see the need when there are alternatives
  • the way the animals are treated in alot of cases is shit
  • i do like animals; i dont think they are all cuddly though
  • I became veggy cause our school forced us to eat liver
  • I dont care about the "nutriants" (sp?) I have suppliment vitamins
  • Erm.... heart disease
Ill update when I think of more. Anyways this is just my opinion; I have very strong opinions and always have and once ive made my mind up about something I stick to it; being athiest, being veggy, not smoking, not doing drugs (much).
Mark posted on Jul 18 2004 at 04:36 PM said:
Wild animals need to eat meat to survive. I don't. I don't like how things are bred to be killed. It's sick. These are living creatures with feelings and emotions.
Oh and that aswell :)

I dont need meat... i live perfectly well without it.. infact im about to have a nice Pizza with Jelapino's and Onions :D
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Mark posted on Jul 18 2004 at 09:11 AM said:
My GF eats meat, and I don't care.
Well as long as its your meat shes eating why the hell should you care!? HA! Sorry, had to. My girlfriend was a vegitarian for like 2 years... then she realized she wasnt getting enough protein. Or maybe that was just an excuse? This threa has officially been jacked
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GRRRRRRR!!!! damned hippies! hijacking MY threads!GRRRRRRRRRR!!!!! in my anger i am going to eat a STEAK!!!!11111 <_<

not really...i think it is totaly fine to not eat meat... and if i were forced to eat some animals liver i would NEVER eat meat again... actually, i am a little scared of chicken right now...my dad and i went to a brake place to get some brake drums for my truck and there was a chicken and turky place right next to it...eeeeewwww! it smelled AWFUL!!!111111 :ph34r:

hmmm..so, heres to my probobly never eating chicken again... :P
Chicken makes me throw up. I cannot eat egg yolk because it makes me through up. I cannot eat anything inside of an animal as it scares me. And I don't like dead things. I don't mind bacon or ham until I remember where it comes from. I would like to become vegitarian but my mum would never let me. Also I have a virus that makes me tired (something similar to something called glandular fever) So I need loads of vitamins. I can drink 4 litres of coke with out getting any sort of energy burst..
I won't go into details Sam, but drinking excessive amounts of Coke are more likely to make you sleepy. I used to drink alot; hell of a lot, but since the painful experience that was the dentist I try to cut down.
Mark posted on Jul 18 2004 at 07:51 PM said:
I won't go into details Sam, but drinking excessive amounts of Coke are more likely to make you sleepy. I used to drink alot; hell of a lot, but since the painful experience that was the dentist I try to cut down.
That's funny. I drink a litre a day (thinking about cutting down - if it's worth it) and have never had dental problems, despite not brushing my teeth as often as I perhaps should with that kind of sugar intake.
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