Greetings from Greece and Bavaria


Staff member
Mar 4, 2003
Well, here I am. I just arrived at the hotel in Greece after having some great lunch with FormActions CEO and some other workers... and some coffee by the sea side :)


But now it's time to post what you're waiting for... the latest status update.

The status of the PCBs

Well, I've visited Nikolaus yesterday to pick up a PCB set for the prototype case production run here in Greece.
He showed me what you can also see on this video here (you probably have seen it already):

So, what is it that you can see on this video?
This is a prototype setup that has fully been booted into X.
It boots off the CPU PCB (right now, that's Nikolaus testing PCB, but there's no difference than with the normal ones, only that he can debug a bit more here), the display works (incl. touchscreen), the rotator works, the LEDs work, all the hardware on the PCB physically works (means: we haven't made extensive tests i.e. with Wifi connections or usage, but the module is there and answers when we talk to it).

The LCD doesn't show anything really useful, as it's Nikolaus' testing card, but it booted into X (LXDE).

The only connection going into the set is the Micro USB Power cable. Nothing else.

So that's the very first really working booted up prototype (except for the missing case) :)
Oh, and it also works with a battery, but it's hard to make a video with that, without having a case that keeps the battery in place.

So YES, we're getting there :)
The low-level software is still not yet finished (only almost), some things still need to be implemented (some power stuff), so I couldn't take a full working set with me to Greece, but hopefully, when I come back, we can start building them soon :)

The status of the Case

I am here in Greece, currently in my hotel, and I'll be at FormAction (the case manufacturer) the next two days.

The moulds are all finished, they already produced a sample case (and I can't wait to see it!).
We're doing multiple things these two days:

  • Check that everything fits physically. Especially test the shoulder buttons, keymat and DPad.
  • Check different material samples and coatings. We're looking for a matte, scratch-resistant plastic which does not show every fingerprint in the world.
  • Check what colors are available and which one we can use.
  • Check lighting for the logo.
  • Check the seating and enclosure of the speakers
  • Check whether maybe it makes sense to use some rubber coating or similar on the nub surface

So, yes, we'll be busy for the next few days.
I will take one sample home with me, and different colors and materials will be shipped to me later.

As usual, I'll keep you informed and will make some pictures :)
Looking forward to more info about the case and some pics/videos with everything together. I really like the list of things you are considering, especially a scratch resistant matte plastic, color options, and how the logo will look. Of course all the other fit and feel stuff is very important, too.

Thanks a bunch for sharing.

ED, do you have any colors you prefer, either for production or for your personal Pyra?
I'm glad the case company didn't have you fly in, only to say, "the cases won't be ready for 2 more weeks". LOL

Awesome news ED, glad to see everything coming together so nicely. I'll be looking forward to ordering my new micro sd cards once there is a production schedule locked in, as I'm trying for the lowest cost possible, so no need to order early.

Also ready for preorders of the Pyra as well, hopefully that very cool "yellow" from the case renders will be possible, as that was hands down my favorite. Good luck in Greece, enjoy the scenery, and we'll be looking forward many updates.

Hey you never know, being a geek and buying obscure gadgetry might just contribute (even in a tiny way) toward kick starting the Greek economy....
pure awesomeness!

all the best for the case-checks and stuff!
just make shure to test a light-beige c64c colour too. ;)
with coffee by the seaside special operation FLIGHTCASE
can't start any better! :)
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So how does one conduct business in Greece?
Drive up, roll down the windows, in an area where you can see all of your surroundings.
Make sure it is in a no stop - no parking zone, as anything less will raise suspicion.

Hope there wont be a 'case dismissed' when inevitably EDs luggage is lost on the way back.
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So how does one conduct business in Greece?
Drive up, roll down the windows, in an area where you can see all of your surroundings.
Make sure it is in a no stop - no parking zone, as anything less will raise suspicion.

Hope there wont be a 'case dismissed' when inevitably EDs luggage is lost on the way back.
nothing like casual racism to show the world what sort of person you are...
  • Check different material samples and coatings. We're looking for a matte, scratch-resistant plastic which does not show every fingerprint in the world.
Please tast the plastic by yourself to make sure to get the best one possible! ;)

  • Check what colors are available and which one we can use.
Gunmetal grey of course! :cool:

  • Check whether maybe it makes sense to use some rubber coating or similar on the nub surface
As long as it is durable and don't wear off, why not. :)
I think the Xserver process doesnt have a session assigned to it.
Looks to be software-issues away from bringing up a desktop.

Im hoping for a gray case for a compromise between screen to bezel contrast and absorbed heat.
I think the Xserver process doesnt have a session assigned to it.
Looks to be software-issues away from bringing up a desktop.

Baklava is turkish btw. For this type of cultural insensitivity we can not stand.

Im hoping for a gray case for a compromise between screen to bezel contrast and absorbed heat.
Gunmetal grey of course
no no no... what if a kid in 'merika walks around with a Pyra in his hand? He will be shot down, no questions asked (well, maybe will hear "drop that gun" first... but would you drop a pyra from that hight?)
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Scratch Resistante Plastik sounds great, exspacily for a EDC Device like the Pyra,
on the Lid of my Pandora is a black scratch where it dit contakt whit a button from my workpants whyle it got carryed in it..
It still works great for a CC Pandora, but dosnt look that good anymore..

Glad you came whitout Problems to Greece, i hope there is a bit better weather than in bavaria..
Also its cool that the Board seems to work..
Looking forward for your next posts from Greece, good luck whit the faktory ther..
@EvilDragon What if/when all is good, how much time is there in between you want to make the order and the actual production? Will you order the first batch of cases as soon as possible or are you going to wait out the pre orders first?

Also, will you consider community input on color and finish decision or are you going to choose what looks best to you? It would be great if you could film the samples they have in the factory ;)
I still prefer the black of the original 600MHz Pandora because it reminds me of the Thinkpads I grew up on. It feels like something I can pull out and show around in any circumstance without worrying about whether the person will judge it based on appearance.
Maybe a special color for each of the prototypes/pre-preorder/preorders and regular?

And: No pcs so far :-(