fGEN32 image


Certified Guru
Mar 25, 2003
49°9' East latitude, 126°43' South longitude: in y
Sorry for the bad quality of image, but GIF format converted down 65536 colours into 256.


This emu is a port of Genesis Plus, a nice Genesis emulator for Windows/DOS.
The port is a work of 2 hours and it looks very nice and quite fast for being unoptimized yet.
It works ok *only* in GeePee32, meanwhile the port reboots the GP32 hardware at some point. Dunno why yet. Probably a mad pointer.

Dunno if I should discontinue Generator port and look for this one, which seems very promising. Any ideas?

Btw, fNES32 is under progress, but I saw that Genesis Plus sources were out and I needed to port them :lol:

fGEN32 and fNES32 will come out soon. Please be patient.

Greetings from the dark side
OMG. THAT RULES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :blink: :blink: :blink: :blink: :blink:
You're the man! If this one appears to be very promising, then maybe you should go with this one. I haven't learned anything about coding yet, but getting it to work in 2 hours is pretty impressive, is it not? Whatever works well for you is okay by me. I'm really looking forward to your fNES32 too. :D
Mofokubik posted on May 16 2003 said:
OMG. THAT RULES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :blink: :blink: :blink: :blink: :blink:







(having a heart attack at the thought of Megadrive Gunstar Heroes :blink: :blink: :blink: )
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id say keep your options open, see how the new one gets along and if you can overcome this hardware failure to be able to see what the actual speed compatibility is first. If it seems to be the better option by all means continue with it :)
Rlyeh truly does have Mad Porting Skillz!

i was lucky enough to try out fNES32 yesterday and it's definately in the top 4 best emulators so far! (in the top 2 console emulators) ;)

The music sounds even better than gpengine to me and once compatability is sorted i promise you this is going to be an SMC essential! (it already is) :P
If it might mean less optimisation time later, I'd go with this one - as long as you can find out where the hardware problem lies, of course. If speed is relatively good on GeePee32, then it can't be bad on the real hardware.

I suppose the real question is which will you be able to finish in time for the GPSpain competition deadline :) - although you do already have fMame32 in for that...
Nah, Rlyeh's a city, isn't it? I thought it was where Chthulhu was supposed to reside until he'd rise and extinguish all "lesser" lifeforms (us). I'll have to check that one with my brother (COC maniac)
lemme be the 12938719372873912837129387123812 person to say this :

I LOVE YOU :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Just tried the DOS version, compatability was high, and all of the features seemed to be working great (raster effects)

Sound too!

oh wow oh cool oh wowage oh ryleh you da man!

alllllll the sonics....*drools on gp32*
this looks great, but i have to ask how you know it is running "quite fast" if it only runs in the emulator and not on the hardware? :rolleyes: ;)

i look forward to seeing this. keep up the good work!
I'm taking "quite fast" to mean about 1/3 of actual speed, since that'd result in about 80% original on hardware (my definition of "quite fast"). If its running about 80% of original on GeePee32, then that'd class as "blindingly fast" (since SMS32 at FS2 only runs at about half speed... on a good day)