The Future Of Gp32

Personally I think I'll wait untill Gamepark releases their next official Firmware before I Flash. No offense to the people who've made wonderful new ones besides the original! But the day I do, I'll have fully charged batteries and read the faq like 15 dozen times.
Lol, I think the guy said its not going to be a patch, but rather more of a notepad dealy, which i think is pretty pointless.
Jr2swiss posted on Mar 5 2004 at 01:12 AM said:
Lol, I think the guy said its not going to be a patch, but rather more of a notepad dealy, which i think is pretty pointless.
That just ruins the game, having to lookup _everything_ gets quite annoying. Most of the other games have already been unoffically translated, it shouldnt be too hard or too long before the RPG's get translated. Although using an unoffical patch on the game even if you own it breaks the EULA, and is theoretically illegal. Given the community arround it I doubt GamePark would mind though. I, like most of you, am a serious RPG fan (and puzzle games like Little Magic, Brainies, Lolo, etc..), I would love to see some english offical RPGs come out for this system.

Btw, if any of you know of any game like Little Magic, Brainies, or Lolo (games that will run on the GP32, or on one if its emulators), feel free to mention their names, and if they are freeware/homebrewn, a link would be nice! Graphic and sound quality dont matter, they can be solid color blocks with beeps and blips, for all I care.

Purchased a 128 MB SMC (I have a feeling I will need atleast one more...but that can wait), $26.99 USD that seems like a good price to me, I didnt really shop arround much...

Tomarrow I purchase the GP32, lets hope Lik-Sang isnt having anymore troubles shipping to the US (last item I bought took 4 weeks, although it did have a notice saying "Currently 2-4 weeks to USA").
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Jr2swiss posted on Mar 4 2004 at 08:12 PM said:
Lol, I think the guy said its not going to be a patch, but rather more of a notepad dealy, which i think is pretty pointless.
Yeah thats why I said "transliterate" instead of "translate". Hopeffuly someone will use his text to make an english patch assuming he ever makes it.

26.99??! how did you swing that? the best I coulf find 128s are for $33 and thats with a LOT of shopping around.
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Ah I see, I avoid Ebay like the plauge especialy after I found a charge on my credit card for it even though I dont HAVE an Ebay account.

I have 5 128s right now.
1 for general games/emulators
1 for random applications/non gaming
and 3 for GPcinema movies and/or animation.

Though I think 4 would have been fine for me... maybe I'll just use one of the final 3 as a back up for the game card.
Well SmartMedia cards are becoming "yesterdays technology", many stores arround here are either not stocking them anymore, or stocking very few. (Circuit City, etc...) I went to a few stores arround here looking and they said "There are not any new cameras and such being made that use this format anymore so we are not carring them" how long until they are discontinued...or a rare find...something to think about..

For me, I plan on using 1 for SNES games, 1 for other emu's and games (nes, genesis, gb/gbc), 1 for misc stuff and games, 1 for ogg's, and eventually 1 for GBA games when the emu is at a decent stage. (all 128 MB's) And 1 for a backup just incase another one fails (because they are getting harder to find)

I wouldnt have one for video because I cant really see a movie fitting on a 128 MB card, even with DivX, you cant get good quality below 500 MB for a full movie...Maybe an episode or two of your favorite show but thats about it... (feel free to prove me wrong, this is just based on my experiances with DivX movies)

I usually dont use Ebay either, but I would rather pay $26 than the $45-$50 that most online shops wanted.

RandomApps/Nongaming ? I have seen very few apps like this for GP32, not more than like 5 MB total, what could you possibly have that takes a 128MB?
If smart media is becoming yesterdays technology someone should tell New York stores. my first card cost nearly 50 bucks at circuit city before I started getting them from online. Amazon and Newegg had them for 33 dollars or so, which I can deal with.

I never concidered useing an entire SMC for a single emulator only , concidering SNES games still have a lot of issues between compatability and lack of bottons for some games, I didnt think I'd have more than 20-30 games maximum.

Most of my animation is about 30mb per 25 minute episode. I've gotten all of the movie BulletProof Monk on one SMC with about 8 mb to spare, the quality is decent although some of the faster fight scenes loose a little clarity but its in stereo! in the future I might do action movies on two cards and simpler movies on a single card.

Random stuff like the comic viewer, jpg viewer... maybe a couple of video files that dont go with either movies or animation like music videos or possibly some MP3s if I ever feel like not bringing both the GP and my MP3 player at the same time.
I asked the Cicuit City guy the same question, if they were not stocking them anymore and they are "yesterdays technology" why are they charging $59.99 USD for them, when you would think they would charge less...Amazon and NewEgg have them for $45 right now, I checked both sites when I went to get this current one. In all these stores I see alot of CompactFlash, MemoryStick, and SecureDigital, but not many SMC. Oh well only time will tell, im sure 'someone' will continue manufacturing them for awhile.