What In Life Do You Find Annoying?

kknd_cf posted on May 21 2004 at 04:13 PM said:
shit you don't think I'm Christian do you!?!!? :o I don't hate the people just the fucking relegion.
No crimbo this year.
Nah, no worries about me thinking you're Christian. Noone would have thought that. I was just saying, but with different words, that I don't think there is any religion as misunderstood as Christianity, and the reason for this is the behaviour of so many Christians. Whenever I see people refer to it is "the fucking religion", it makes me wonder why they think that way, and the usual answer is that Christians are percieved as hateful or closedminded. (Another popular cause is a misunderstanding of basic Christian philosophy.) It's rather sad that this is the case when the religion is supposed to be all about love and compassion.

Of course, maybe I'm just oversensitive because I obviously have a vested interest in the matter.
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EoS posted on May 21 2004 at 11:10 AM said:
PPL that believe in clichees, eg "Goths write bad poetry, Goths are miserable all the time" most ppl that say that never actually spoke to any of us, so fuck off!

PPL that, similar to point 2, think that satanists eat little children and worship satan. Well surprise, we dont! Your just uneductated and ignorant!
21. People that struggle to be different while being only somewhat awkward and will get pissed because it is obvious and I just said it :P
22. People claiming that Satanists don't worship Satan and get pissed at me.
23. People that have ever used the word "swell".
24. People that rape grammar. No, I am not going to eat myself an apple!
25. Jehovah's witnesses.
26. Everyone under 16 who thinks the world revolves around him. It doesn't. My fist does if he keeps on pissing me off.
27. People that look at me, see that I wear leather and know everything about me.
28. People that have to push the fact that I sometimes carry a bag after I was shopping. It is not funny and it makes you look stupid, assholes.
29. People that laugh at bad jokes.
30. People.
31. Everything beginning with "Tres".
32. Turkish people that refuse to learn German, don't understand me and demand to be understood. You're in my country, you speak my language. Or at least try english instead of calling me a racist.
33. That guy on the information at Hellweg. He pisses me off so freaking much.
34. Every single "cute" nickname.
35. Stefan Raab.
36. Anke Engelke.
37. Most of the other German Comedians.
38. Tofu.
39. "Super extra large powerful heavy duty batteries". I will not buy those, suckers.
40. People that see my GP32 and ask "Why do you still play with your Game Boy?"
41. People that can not deal with the fact that a twenty year old can also play games that are not saturated with blood and gore. Despte the fact that I think (virtual) violence is fucking hilarious.
42. Chicks that sit down with a hot plate and some bread and call it a "Takeaway Baguetterie Business".
43. Books called "The Dead arise" that have no Zombies whatosever. That's false advertising, dammit!
44. Mage Knight Miniatures. What's the point of already painted miniatures?
45. People that talk to their pets.
46. People that buy clothes for their pets.
47. The small Ginseng bottles. I swallow a lot more of that stuff than you sell, drug store!
48. "Free porn! Click here to see me shove this soda bottle up my ass while five migdets cum on my face and I have a Dildo in my cunt too!"
I wish I could have invented this. I didn't. Now leave me alone, I want to cry.
49. Lashes (That's for the intellectual people out there.)
50. Books with a title like "What kind of sex men like" or something along the lines. Why thank you, I like being beaten with live puppies while someone gnaws through my computer desk at the same time, spewing wood at me ever so often. (Or, for those that don't get irony: Whoever told those people what I like?)

OK, a nice number, 50. I think I'll take another break until my blood pressure is down a little.
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im not claiming that satanists dont worship satan, i know it!

but points 35-37, i absolutely agree :)
EoS posted on May 21 2004 at 08:04 PM said:
im not claiming that satanists dont worship satan, i know it!
Then it's a sect and not "true" Satanism :P Satanism is the act of worshipping Satan. Or the act of trying to look cool despite the fact that those people still look like jerks if they feel the need to inform everyone about it.
By the way, I have lead a sect myself. Moschismus. I had nearly 300 believers and some of them actually believed in the crap I made up about the black square and the teaching of the guinea pig.

And whoever allowed Engelke to try and mimic Schmidt should have his face slowly shoved through electrified barbed wire with iodine on it. While being constantly kicked in the crotch. With spiked shoes that also incorporate a blade and some battery acid.

PinkSpider: That's cursing and des not count :P
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There are many different types of Satanism.

Anton Levoy style Satanism was made to piss Christians off, they mock Christian ceremonies etc. They DO NOT BELEVE IN A SATAN. They believe that they are their own Gods. This is the style of Satanism Marilyn Manson is a reverend in. The line from his song is pretty much proof-"I'm not a slave to a God that doesn't excist."

Traditional Satanism is in my opinion, bollocks. I'm sorry but these people actually worship and believe in the Christian devil, yet despise Christianity. If they believe in Satan are going by the teachings of the Bible and are therefore a form of Christian.
well, actually the traditional satanism was made up by the christian cultists, it is an offspring of their believes...thus i would call it devil worshipping rather then satanism

i believe someone in this thread said he hated ppl that critisize stuff that they have no clue of :)
I'm agnostic myself, not against people having a beleifs its just unforunate that these beliefs cause war...

and what i really hate are Chav Scum! Human vermin! ....*dalek mode* exterminate exterminate
EoS posted on May 21 2004 at 10:09 PM said:
i believe someone in this thread said he hated ppl that critisize stuff that they have no clue of :)
Well, you'll just have to figure that out on your own :P

Oh, and believe me that I do have quite some idea about Satanism ;) And if you insisted that you were a satanist, you would have to believe in Satan. It's a question of definition. Just as Jehovah's Witnesses are not Christians, Hare Krishnas are not overly intelligent and Scientology people are completely full of shit. And by the way, I have the right to mock them, because they are obviously idiots <_<

I do believe that the biblical serpent actually has done good to humanity. I believe in many things that Satanism teaches, but some are total bull. And by the way:

"well, actually the traditional satanism was made up by the christian cultists, it is an offspring of their believes...thus i would call it devil worshipping rather then satanism"

I don't really care what you would call it. It is the traditional, original form that was actually Satanism and everything that is not in form is not Satanism but an offspring that piggybacks on satanistic beliefs. I choose to call your Satanism "Christianity" from now on. It's the same basic principle, we just switch the focus.
Surprise, you are Christian!
Hm. Why stop there. Gilgamesh shows us the same basic prinicples as Christianity: There was the Serpent, there was a plant that could substitute the apple, there was Enkidu who can represent many biblical characters.....

OK, so actually, I will say you are a "Gilgameshian" from now on.

I could take the principle even further and make you a Taoist. But my point is: Satanists worship Satan, people that wear black and call themselves Gothics (yeah, rub it in my face everyone!) have a high chance to piss me off.

And now let's either stop this argument or transfer it to another thread, I don't want it to be spammified ;)
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To 'believe in god' is to believe in satan, because to accept the existence of the positive automatically acknowledges the existence of the negative. There fore I am covinced that there isnt a god, because if I didn't 'believe' in him then I would be acknowledging the fact that he was there not to be believed in, if that makes any sense.
Rigor Mortis posted on May 21 2004 at 07:25 PM said:
kknd_cf posted on May 21 2004 at 04:13 PM said:
shit you don't think I'm Christian do you!?!!? :o I don't hate the people just the fucking relegion.
No crimbo this year.
Nah, no worries about me thinking you're Christian. Noone would have thought that. I was just saying, but with different words, that I don't think there is any religion as misunderstood as Christianity, and the reason for this is the behaviour of so many Christians. Whenever I see people refer to it is "the fucking religion", it makes me wonder why they think that way, and the usual answer is that Christians are percieved as hateful or closedminded. (Another popular cause is a misunderstanding of basic Christian philosophy.) It's rather sad that this is the case when the religion is supposed to be all about love and compassion.

Of course, maybe I'm just oversensitive because I obviously have a vested interest in the matter.
The reason people think that way is, here I go:
1. Homophobic
2. Thou shalt not kill although during the crusades the rules where changed just a bit...
3. A relegion that's apperently based on love and hope (awww :D) yet the leader is the worlds greatest dictator and mass muderer. Look back to the "cutsey" story of Noahs ark in which the whole world was flooded.
4. What good has Christianity ever bought us.
5. Well it's brought us thousands of racist wars. It's basically only every brought death, pain and suffering.
6. Let's look at some of this logically, it's scientifically unexplainable. It simply makes no sence eg "here ar I'll just make a woman outta me ribs".
7. An example that does contridict the bible is of couse Darwins thoery of Evoloution which was banned by the Pope. lmfao
8. Some of the rules Christianity houses fro example how can one not feel jealousy!
If you said you didn't feel it ever in your life you'd be lying.
And lastly I don't think the people are hateful they just haven't though about what they're doing. And normally if you tell them this they'll pretend you're not saying it. Lets face it there is no God. We're alone and we'll die alone.
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LMAO, that site is amazing. Although round these parts we refer to them as MOD's.

Or, personally, I refer to them as total f**king s**theads who always ask "What are you looking at?" when you are making an effort not to look. They make me so fecking angry.
lizard808uk posted on May 22 2004 at 10:24 PM said:
Lol :lol: , thats a funny website, and reply to finty's questiona chav is a towny or wotver you wanna call em, and ive got towny mates but i still take the piss out of em for wearin hats that go 90 degrees to the top of their head. :D
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