You can use the built in or go your own way.
I'm playing with the idea of adaptive AI for my project, really "simple" way of adding to the AI in the long run.
Make countermeasures for everything that the player can do
Give the Zombies simple AI (zombies are brain dead and everyone knows that they are controlled by Bill Gates)
Make a data storage for scenarios, for ex.
Zombies walk down street >> Players build blockades >> Server puts action to memory >> Server makes Zombies do counter action
Then server keeps "score" of what the players does, counts casualties and calculates from know tactics, for ex.
57% chance players block of main street
15% Players have a Sniper on a roof
27% a lone Player goes commando in area 12
and so on and then the server "orders" the Zombies to attack where the players often are weakest etc and split the forces etc making for a more dynamic game since the same tactic might work a few times but then the server learns and if a server tactic is working then it will keep using it until Players figure out a way to beat it and so on.
Also if the server restarts etc you could have a
over all statistics and a session one
this could also be added on to incorporate specific players preference, the possibilities are endless
-- If you don't want to need a "DM" that is