Zodiac To Be Discontinued

If you don't want to have to rename your files at each end, just get a card reader. Much easier :)

One thing I like is that the OS is incredibly simple, and doesn't get in the way. So if you want to write a complicated diary app, it's no problem, and if you want to write an emulator, you can pretty much take over the machine until your done - so it can run on low powered machines quite easily. PoPC is a lot more advanced and more complex, but unfortunately this also slows the machine down as everything has to talk to the OS to do things, so requires a faster processor than it's PalmOS equivalent.

With current XScale processors in the 600Mhz range (I have a 624Mhz Dell PoPC), and the fact that PoPC can sync to a PC easily, it does bring lots of advantages though. I know PalmOS can sync to a PC, but it doesn't have an Outlook look alike, and can't sync with Outlook on the PC without expensive software, for example.

I think the PalmOS stuff like it's simple user interface and Grafitti comes from it's history. Palm's were out way before PoPC's, and they were using slow 68K cores, so they couldn't do much complicated stuff, and of course, they can't now just switch things around overnight, or people who have only ever used PalmOS will be incredibly confused.

So there's just advantages and disadvantages of both systems, depending on what you want to use them for.
@DaveC : Oh, you´re Comparing the Zodiac with a PocketPC. Well, you may take into consideration that the Zodiac is a device made for gaming and there´s no single PocketPC that can do better than the Zodiac in this respect, because they´re not made for us gamers and thus lack the needed gaming controls. Say about the nalog stick what you want (like it btw) but it´s still better than a navpad and two buttons. Plus your information about the file uploading is obsolete, you can (if you don´t use a cardreader anyway) use "card directories" to upload whatever you want.
It surprises me that you, a fanboy of a handheld with so many flaws, criticise such little annoyances.
So, what else PDA would YOU use to play games (except puzzlers :P )?

And can you please explain how exactly the GP32 would benefit from the (supposed) end of the Zodiac? Do you actually think all Zod coders would instantly join the GP32 scene? That´s ridiculous, and you know it. With the DS and the recent cracking of the PSP, you won´t see any of them here.
DS is really quite interesting at the moment, as it's a new toy to play with :) Sure, the processor is less powered, and the screen is smaller, but did I mention that it's a new toy to play with ? ;)

If the PSP gets hacked, that probably get some attention too. (Most likely, see who can get a Genesis/Snes/etc emulator running on it first or something along those lines).
Fishbong posted on May 6 2005 at 08:28 PM said:
And can you please explain how exactly the GP32 would benefit from the (supposed) end of the Zodiac? Do you actually think all Zod coders would instantly join the GP32 scene? That´s ridiculous, and you know it. With the DS and the recent cracking of the PSP, you won´t see any of them here.

What? Where did I ever claim that if the Zodiac ended the GP32 would benefit because all of the coders would flock to the GP32? I never said that :rolleyes: You are just making stuff up now. I said that I don't like Palm as it is oversimplified to me, I like PPCs better that is all. I have had both PPC (casio e-105) and Palm (Zodiac) at one time and I just prefered the OS better on the PPC. I don't have either of those PDAs anymore because I sold them. If I were to get one now I would probably get a Dell Axim with the 640 x 480 screen. I wouldn't use it for games though because of the lousy controls, just the other PDA stuff.

I am not a coder so programming is not a consideration. Like I said it is a matter of preference.

The DS does nothing for me because of the small low res screen. The PSP would be interesting though for HB if it is cracked. I have both of those anyway, I prefer PSP.
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DaveC posted on May 6 2005 at 10:12 PM said:
What? Where did I ever claim that if the Zodiac ended the GP32 would benefit because all of the coders would flock to the GP32? I never said that  :rolleyes: 
Erm, sorry. Actually It was Vimacs, this hoodlum, who claimed that the Zod´s end would be good for our scene. Ok, please explain that, Vimacs. I would be very intrested in your wisdom. HOW can we benefit from the end of a community that never was a rival of ours, but firmly connected?
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in fact the demise of the zod would be a bad thing for this community. As it is things can be ported from and to the zod fairly easily (according to the devvers), but if the zod got discontinued new devvers wouldn't pick up the gp32 they're much more likely to go for the PSP or DS, from which things would be almost impossible to port (I would have thought).
The rolleyes smiley is supposed to be annoying :rolleyes:

And for all the ineptitute Gamepark have shown, you have to give them credit for still pumping out the units after all these years.
Fishbong posted on May 7 2005 at 09:23 AM said:
Erm, sorry. Actually It was Vimacs, this hoodlum, who claimed that the Zod´s end would be good for our scene. Ok, please explain that, Vimacs. I would be very intrested in your wisdom. HOW can we benefit from the end of a community that never was a rival of ours, but firmly connected?
In general I ignore Vimacs as he has no idea what he is talking about. For example 'if Tapwave don't open up the system the Zodiac scene is doomed' when the signing system was cracked ages ago.
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Tapwave is not fasing out the Zod at all, in fact quite the opposite. All these articles are based on misreading this press release.
And as for it being a closed system, the only thing you need tapwave's signing for is to use the analogue stick as a proper 360 joystick instead of an 8 way direction pad, and to use the ATI graphics chip for things like screen stretching and stuff. And it's not like Tapwave refuse to sign much, they have signed most emulators for it, the only thing I think they have refused is the GBA emulator, for obvious reasons.

A Zodiac 2 can now be picked up for less than a GP32 BLU, you can get them in the region of £99-£139. I got mine recently and I love it. It's basically a GP32 with better looks :D
If people do code for the DS the apps could be ported quite easily to the gp32 if the touch screen and custom chips wern't used too much, but then what would be the point in coding for it?
mr twit posted on May 7 2005 at 04:05 PM said:
Tapwave is not fasing out the Zod at all, in fact quite the opposite. All these articles are based on misreading this press release.

A Zodiac 2 can now be picked up for less than a GP32 BLU, you can get them in the region of £99-£139. I got mine recently and I love it. It's basically a GP32 with better looks  :D

...And crappy emulator controls with that sloppy analog. If that could be modded out somehow it would be much better. As it is I found ,when I had mine, many emulated games were close to being unplayable.
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Squidge posted on May 5 2005 at 05:51 PM said:
The battery can easily be replaced, just remove the back and it's plugged in, with a fairly standard connector. True, you can't just buy another, but you should not need to change it anyway as the specs are that it's good for 5 years, which is also considered the life of the device.

Personally, I find PalmOS far superior to PocketPC, whats your problem with it, kotd?
Its ugly as shit
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DaveC posted on May 8 2005 at 06:12 AM said:
mr twit posted on May 7 2005 at 04:05 PM said:
Tapwave is not fasing out the Zod at all, in fact quite the opposite. All these articles are based on misreading this press release.

A Zodiac 2 can now be picked up for less than a GP32 BLU, you can get them in the region of £99-£139. I got mine recently and I love it. It's basically a GP32 with better looks :D

...And crappy emulator controls with that sloppy analog. If that could be modded out somehow it would be much better. As it is I found ,when I had mine, many emulated games were close to being unplayable.
Meh, I don't mind it. It's a small price to pay for not having to use something that looks like a toddler's toy.
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Have there even been programs ported from the Zod to the GP32?

I know things have gone from GP32 to Zod, but I can't think of anything ported to the GP.

I don't really care about the Zod. Too bad it's gone; I know there are a lot of people who swear by the system, but I really don't think its demise will hurt the GP32 community.. at all.
sensible GP32 posted on May 8 2005 at 03:37 PM said:
i'd say more retro console......... glory.

ill give you a tip defending the Z on these boards is suicide ;)
And saying something without having a slight glimpse of it is plain retarded.
But that´s what fanboys like you are supposed to be, aren´t they?

However, what´s your point? In what way can a modern gaming system as such be "retro"? I´ll tell you: in none. "retro" isn´t a piece of hardware or a design/style. Maybe some "retroness" can be achieved through the avaiability of emulators, but that´s a whole different matter.

As for the analogue stick of the Zod: I like it, just as i like the analogue stick of my PC gamepad which i use in ALL emulators i run on my PC. It´s simply a matter of taste, and as anybody (except fanboys) knows, such matters cannot be discussed.
Furter on, this thread wasn´t supposed to be a Zodiac vs. GP32 battle, but thanks to you fanboys we´re having this battle running right now, so i would recommend you to check your facts before posting something stupid, like Vimacs did (lol... :lol: how many years have passed sice the signing system was cracked :lol: ).
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shinneri posted on May 8 2005 at 04:21 PM said:
Have there even been programs ported from the Zod to the GP32?

I know things have gone from GP32 to Zod, but I can't think of anything ported to the GP.
Zot was a port of the Zodiac version.
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