Zodiac And Gp32


Still Fresh
Sep 29, 2005

I do not wish to make another Zodiac Vs GP32 thread with this, but I have some questions I'd like to see answered, and maybe you guys can help me out...

I have recently bought a GP32 and a Tapwave Zodiac 2, and have been fidling a bit with both of them.

I have been trying to install some emulators and see how well they behave, and I was a bit surprised to see that the GP32 emulators seem to run a lot better than the Zodiac ones. Namely SNES, Megadrive, TG16 emulators and ScummVM are very unstable and slow, even if the Zodiac is faster than the GP32.

I have to admit I find this a bit odd, because I was expecting to find better and more stable emulators for the Zodiac.

My question is, have I been looking in the wrong places? Or is my impression correct? And why does this happen.

Even tough I'm a bit disapointed with my Zodiac emulation wise, I still use it as a PALM, and do not regret buying it.

Bruno Fonseca
yes your impression is correct.

I do not own a zodiac but I have heard (through these boards) that although the Zodiac is more powerful, the emu's aren't as good because the coders either don't take advantage of the way the system works or they just aren't as good. THey don't have the 'heavy-hitters' that we have (Ryleh, Reesy, etc.)

EDIT: To add onto Vimacs's statement..

Yoyofr who made littleJohnZ is also the creator of our OPENSNES Emulator and last I heard he pretty much just ported it over to the Z. I don't know if he added anything or not. Plus, I've heard that many people don't like the digital stick for older games.
Yeah, SNES is a bit faster on the zod, it also has better transparency emulation and nice stretching.

Gameboy advance is considerably better, but still not really enjoyable and moreover a commercial emu.
But apart from that no emulator on the zod is really better than hi s counterpart on the GP32.
But i´ve never had any stability issues. Also note that the zodiac can be overclocked with the program "Lightspeed", that could help the speed a bit...

tekt5 posted on Oct 1 2005 at 07:05 PM said:
Plus, I've heard that many people don't like the digital stick for older games.
Erm, the Zodiac doesn´t have a digital stick. In fact, it is analogue...
The GP32 has a digital stick.
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as an owner of both
i prefer my zodiac over my gp32 for emulation as i dont use megadrive or tg16.

snes is better on zodiac, although with reesy on the case that will probably change.

it took ages for me to get used to the analog stick, but as the zodiac has the right amount of buttons its worth the trade off.

also you'll find that some of the pay emulators are better than the free ones.

not emultion related but also the full speed/full screen movies kickass :)
Actually, apart from SNES (yet), almost every emulator on the GP32 runs far better than any emulator than I've ever seen on any system.

That's why I love my GP32 that much :)