Keep an eye on this space .. if I get the firmware a bit more pollished, it'll be more accessible; ie: once I add serial flashing to one or both sides, it should be possible to reflash both firmwares (cpu and gpu), and also the cartridge .. just using a usb cable. Then I can knock out some blank carts, and away yo go coding in Z80
Right now my only cart design is for a 32KB eeprom (flashable like above); the 32KB unit there is fairly available still, but pricey ($10 per chip at digikey .. AT28C256). The larger sizes are 'non-stock', so maybe they can get them, but seems like it'd be $pricey and annoying. So larger sizes might have to be eprom (not flashable withotu an extra device), which is annoying. (unless I build a special flashing device as a 'shield' to stack on top, say

) .. I may have to go down that road, but I'm rather thinking instead..
.. buy up a few of the 32KB eeproms (since they're so convenient, if pricey) just to have a few on tap; then add an SD card reader as an expansion (can use some of the breakout-pins already on the board, rather than add an actual SD jack right on there), and then use SD for large storage. Its on my mind a little, since I'm tempted to make a music file player, so could use storing a MB or so of tunes; likewise, some bigger graphcis could be nice.. the board is fairly flexible, so big full colour sprites could be doable, but 32KB cart is fairly limiting in that regard.
Still, even with the basic 32KB cart, you can do a fair amount; thats more space than Pacman ever had, and a lot of NES and SNES games.
So, yeah,. if I add easy flashign to the firmware, and solder it up for you, you could probably get going.
It'd be cool to make 20 or 30 boards and get them out to a few people, but I don't relish sitting down and soldering those two SMT chips per board (and how to test, without populating the rest of it .. though I'm pretty good, you can't really not-test them when hand soldering an SMT processor..) - I'm pretty anal careful about soldering right (don't want to short and kill a $20 chip, let alone the whole board and everything already populated on it going to waste) .. so probablty takes me a good 2 hours to populate most of a board. (say 30minm per each of the two SMT parts, and then just another half hour or hour for the rest of it, being careful.) So I don't mind doing a board here or there, but doing up 10 or 20 would be a drag
If I did want to run a kickstarter or something, I'd have to do somethign more professional and get 50 made or something. Also, need to switch to emulated SID, or acquire a stack of AY-3-8913's which are getting hard to find. (Still about $5-$10 each on ebay, is not bad, but thats not a sustainable source.) I've got 5each of all the chips I need on tap for my own use..
If you're interested in any of this, let me know, and if your'e good for costs (like I said, I didn't work it out, but say $100 or less for a board, probabyl liek $80 or something, and thats free labor of course

I can get the cart flashign firmware going, and settle down some of the firmware APIs. (ie: I can change anythign I want for myself, but as soon as someone else is on board, means I need to get it fairly stable, document the APIs such as they are and get it all proven.. since once its in someone elses hands, and they don't have the programmer units for easy flashing, they're not likely going to reflash the firmwares anymore.. unless I make a cart based flasher, which limits the firmware size.. but iamgein, flash the cart, reboot unit, it reflashes cpu .. lol)
As to coding for the carts.. its an eZ80, which is Z80 + some whistles, and runs faster by far. You can wrtite assembly, or you can use a few C compilers.. Zilog has a freely available IDE which is okay (Windows, runs fine in virtualbox or Wine under linux) and various open source little compilers and toolchains.
To render sprites and text, is very easy; just drop ASCII into the framebuffer, and good to go.. like in C, strcpy ( framebuffer, "Hello World" ) works. Easy stuff.