Woowoo, got the first cart prototype from Elecrow! Looks excellent by eye but I need to verify the connections. Think I'll tweak trace sizes (though I had set gnd and power thicker..) but shouldn't matter at my draws..
Check these out
When I'm near a computer I'll change thise to embedded photo and update blog
FWIW.. Elecrow was great; they did their job quickly (took only 2-3 business days), and DHL did their part quick as you'd expect .. so I had the pcb in my hand exactly 1 week after submitting it. (normally I woudln't use fast DHL, but I was excited
As to quality .. only slight issues with it, all my own fault; I think its a tad too thick (1.6mm pcb), but elecrow has an assortment of options; I think they had a 1.5, and did have 1.4 .. I want it medium tight, not loose in there.. as is, its quite a tight fitting. Still, fits into the slot .. so maybe it'd loosen up a bit after use, these being brand new edge connector slots.
I forgot to widen the traces for power lines as noted before, but don't think it'll be a problem at all.
I should've added some more gnd<->gnd via's, to help spread the gnd load, but its not like theres a lot going on here so it won't be a problem.
All told, I think a successful first little pcb; certainly improves my confidence .. I'll definately make my own adapters, and need to finish the re-done zikzak shcematic and get to routing that pcb.. that will be a challenge to do right, for sure!
This sucker is quite pretty imho .. nice and shiny, a nice green, and those edge connector teeth are beautiful and retro; I didn't have them golded, seems unnecessary and a little $$, but it looks so slick. You don't see cartridges much anymore
This sucker fits nicely into a couple of the Atari 2600 cart cases I have; one thing I should watch for is to make sure theres more blank copper space in the areas I'd expect to have screw holes needing drilling. ie: since expecting to use whatever Atari 2600 carts I can scrounge up (or whatever game system carts..), the holes will vary by cart mount point. So I should leave some more blank space in the right places.. but I need ot get a dozen carts and bust them open to get an idea on tradition (if any) inside. ie: Do Atari (company) carts have same internal layout? Do Activision? Or are they all over the place... Anyway, as is, with the cases I've got here, I can just drill a few holes through pcb and they'd mount just fine.
I'm more concerned about the edge connector on the main zikzak pcb; I've selected ones with holes for nut/bolt mounting; hopefully that, along with solder, will hold it on on good.. but with tight carts, don't want to have hairline cracks appearing in the solder joints and futzing carts. Shoudl bust open an Atari 2600 and see how they mounted their slot connectors.. (ie: one idea is just to put a piece of wood or something on the bottom of the pcb and screw into that, for super strength

) I'm looking to use throughj-hole edge connector females, but could use the ones where you dead-bug out the pins (arcade style) on the top of the pcb.. so I hope to remember to leave a lot of space around the slot, so that I can put both through-hole and dead-bug traces there, in case I need to switch connectors or if one rips off; the dead-bug connectors are more available and cheaper as well, but through-hole seemed nicer overall.. just rarer. We'll see when I start assembling..
Image turns out huuge, so spoiler-hid it; take a peek or click above. Its actually credit card sized, not very enormous as the pictures suggest