Release Zelda Classic For Pandora

EvilDragon said:
God Ginrai said:
sebt3 said:
God Ginrai said:
Because there are a lot of people who are paranoid enough of overclocking that they would rather sacrifice performance than overclock.
And that's why you get a popup asking if you want to overclock or not : you're still allowed to play games in all their slowness :)
I can't get what you do have realy against this
Because it's just like a telemarketer or skippable ads on websites. Sure, you can choose not to buy the product and hang up or to click "skip this ad," but it still makes you angry and wasts your time.

And that's exactly why you can select "Don't ask again" as I stated multiple times already.
You don't want to understand that, do you?

No, I understand, however it is still a bother to get these messages when I try new apps.

-God Ginrai
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ThaDSman said:
YYesss! Zelda Classic!!! Now I'm definitely re-pre-ordering a Pandora!
Might I ask what version this Pandora Port is based off of? ZC2.10?

And could someone possibly make a video out of this? Pretty please
Maybe with a few custom quest like End of Time DX or Isle of the Winds
or maybe 1st Quest Remake

I can't believe it happened, this is so fire!

It is 2.11 R8.
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Very good news, I got the blessing from Dark Nation of Zelda Classic to port the latest ZC build to the Pandora, he will send me the source soon, more Zelda action to follow! :D
Hitnrun said:
Very good news, I got the blessing from Dark Nation of Zelda Classic to port the latest ZC build to the Pandora, he will send me the source soon, more Zelda action to follow! :D

Cool Cool.

-God Ginrai
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Hitnrun said:
Very good news, I got the blessing from Dark Nation of Zelda Classic to port the latest ZC build to the Pandora, he will send me the source soon, more Zelda action to follow! :D
Might this take care of the Level 4 issue or is that of some other realm?

Thanks for this man!

Peace & Pandora,

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Mjlink said:
Hitnrun said:
Very good news, I got the blessing from Dark Nation of Zelda Classic to port the latest ZC build to the Pandora, he will send me the source soon, more Zelda action to follow! :D
Might this take care of the Level 4 issue or is that of some other realm?

Thanks for this man!

Peace & Pandora,


I suspect that this problem may be a lack of memory problem, if so, probably not, I might need to do the same memory hack I did on the gp2x to swap memory to the card, or maybe create a linux swap space on appdata (hmmm is it possible to do this...)
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Hitnrun said:
I suspect that this problem may be a lack of memory problem, if so, probably not, I might need to do the same memory hack I did on the gp2x to swap memory to the card, or maybe create a linux swap space on appdata (hmmm is it possible to do this...)

Aren't things like Fennec & Chrome doing this already?

Good luck, I'll be happy to test.

Peace & Pandora,

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HackModford said:
Okay here's a quick video

Thanks for the vid! It runs beautifully!

Can it run, more zoomed or scaled to fit the screen? or does it start to lag or just look ugly?
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It's scaled tofit the screen but maintain aspect ratio. It could be stretched but it would make link look fat :D
Damn it crashes when entering some island cavern after getting the "water floater", must fix it as I am hooked on this game now!
Hitnrun said:
Damn it crashes when entering some island cavern after getting the "water floater", must fix it as I am hooked on this game now!

Original quest? Sounds like the same place as me and another guy encountered crashes earlier.

Also, which version are you working with? I still use the 2.11 beta as 2.5 couldn't get up to full speed.
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naples39 said:
Hitnrun said:
Damn it crashes when entering some island cavern after getting the "water floater", must fix it as I am hooked on this game now!

Original quest? Sounds like the same place as me and another guy encountered crashes earlier.

Also, which version are you working with? I still use the 2.11 beta as 2.5 couldn't get up to full speed.

Yes the first quest.
Still using 2.11, 2.5 uses too much original NES music, and the NES playing library is buggy, I need to see if I can fix it first.
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Has anyone tried to import their zc.sav file from Zelda Classic 2.10 on PC? When I try to do this I get an error "Can't Open Saved Game File"

Has anyone worked around this problem?
