GP32 Your skills and details please

/me reads Inopia's skills and cowers in fear of his HUGE MOTHERFUCKING REPRODUCTIVE ORGANS

I will be available late July, all August to do some heavy coding. I have experience with C/C++, Visual Basic, PHP, ASP, HTML, JavaScript and I'm learning CLisp, Ruby, Java. I'm also quite adept with English, writing design docs/coming up with ideas, and can draw concept art.

What I can't guarantee is major skills; I have no benefit of years in the industry or a four year Uni course as I'm only 17 and only got out of QBasic two years ago (although I'm ashamed to admit it). However my skills are improving and my knowledge of the GP32 API is growing every day. If you need some extra help then I will gladly lend a hand.

- Rico
Graphics: Photoshop, CorelDraw
Photo manipulation, graphics, vetorial graphics, pseudo 3d, etc... etc...

Code: Clipper, some Pascal, PHP, ASP, JavaScript, some VisualBasic.Net, learning and dreaming about someday understand asm

Sound: I did something before with trackers but nothing "real"

Ideas: somethimes but when I get at bestbuy I see them in that PS2/GameCube/Xbox games part... :P

Eletronic: I used to fix my unbroken stuff.... heheheh...

That's it... any questions ziul AT linuxcult DOT com
6502 (since 1992, aged 11 :) ), Z80-ish (as used in the GameBoy Colour), ARM Assembler (Since 1995), some x86, Pascal, C/C++. no real commercial games experience (just sound on a couple of less-than-impressive arc games) - 1 years commercial c++ dev under windows/DirectX/MFC (useful for tools code in this instance i suppose)

not sure where I stand on the 'joining a team' front - I have a few of my own projects I want to persue first...

but if anyone wants to offer me a dayjob in the UK for a reasonable wage then feel free to get in touch ;)
6502 (since 1992, aged 11 :) ), Z80-ish (as used in the GameBoy Colour), ARM Assembler (Since 1995), some x86, Pascal, C/C++. no real commercial games experience (just sound on a couple of less-than-impressive arc games) - 1 years commercial c++ dev under windows/DirectX/MFC (useful for tools code in this instance i suppose)

not sure where I stand on the 'joining a team' front - I have a few of my own projects I want to persue first...

but if anyone wants to offer me a dayjob in the UK for a reasonable wage then feel free to get in touch ;)
You were aged 11 in 1992?? Strange, because I was born in 1992 and I am ages 11 now :P
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I'm a musician and I could join a team to compose bg music..... I'm a bit busy right now with a couple of Penny Arcade fangames, but once I'm done with them I'll be more than happy to help out on a GP32 project.
(Old email address - I was coding a VB rpg based on a party/RP thread at an anime forum - long story)
6502 (since 1992, aged 11 :) ), Z80-ish (as used in the GameBoy Colour), ARM Assembler (Since 1995), some x86, Pascal, C/C++. no real commercial games experience (just sound on a couple of less-than-impressive arc games) - 1 years commercial c++ dev under windows/DirectX/MFC (useful for tools code in this instance i suppose)

not sure where I stand on the 'joining a team' front - I have a few of my own projects I want to persue first...

but if anyone wants to offer me a dayjob in the UK for a reasonable wage then feel free to get in touch ;)
You were aged 11 in 1992?? Strange, because I was born in 1992 and I am ages 11 now :P
11 hey, thats cool!! how did you persuade your mom to buy one. By the way what could you do for a project?
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My 1337 5K1LLZ

Music - 100% (FL Studio Mastered)
Sound - 75%
GFX - 100% (just ask me to make some nice gfx. i'll do it.)
Programming - 0%
Story - If serious - 60% If funny - 95%
Idea for game - 75%
I wish I had the time, I'd love to get back to some good ole fashioned pixel pushing, it's really tempting. I'm another "so-called" pro, currently busying away as an artist at Sony in London.

If anyone needs some simple quick work on an arcade game I'd take a shot at it. I'd most likely build in 3D and then scale down the render and clean it up. Not too good with the cartoon I'm affraid - I'm thinking a mode-7 WipeOut is about my speed.

PS. I used to work with a Deano..... I wonder if it may be the same one.....? <_<
I know I'm kinda late here, but for future reference, I'm gonna put my name down as being available to lend a hand on people's projects. Here's the drill:

My name's Matt Cox, I'm kinda young at 17, but still have a fair bit of experience.
I work for a new media company in the UK who deal with large clients like Reebok, Microsoft, Orange UK, Hoppe, Walkers, etc and have done for around a year and an half now.
I have great skills in Photoshop (even if I do sayso myself), so I guess I'm heading towards the 'artiste' aspect of all this.

One potential problem is that the work I have done is always for advertsing, publicity, websites, and such like, so never before worked on sprites and characters and tiles. But I think if I'm told what you want, I could manage it - and manage it well.

I'm learning Maya right now, but I dont think that would be of much use here. Especially as I'm very new to that. Although, if needed I could give it my best shot...

As I said, I'm new to videogame development, so - dont think any of my other software knowledge would come in usefull. And if you need it, some examples of my freelance work:

- my (dodgey) site. you could call it a beta version

- menu screens for NesterGP

- logo design

- under construction: a flash website for the local juniour school kids

I dont have much else to show right now...
...but you get the idea.

So, if you want my help, you are welcome to it. B)

Matt Cox
gr8 m8,I havn't got organised yet as I only just got my broadban. I gave up looking at forums on 56k (can u blame me)


there will be more updates and project allocation in the week to come, so if your down get ready


I'm just bunging my infor here in case its of use to anyone.

I'm a 2D animator. I've a couple of TV credits to my name, and I've worked on a few charity CD ROMS. For my Day job - the one that pays the rent I work as an animation technician in a university.

So if you need anything, and I'm at a loose end :D
I would be glad to contibute with music to anyone who's interested.
I have been using different trackers for about 6 years and hopefully got
some experience. I have studied music seriously for about as long.

If you think I could be of some help, just send me a mail:

Oh, if anyone knows of a good tracker for the GP, let me know!
My speciality is Graphics.

but I can't draw cute anime characters like in AZ or FireFire (But I could learn)

I will gladly do any piece of sh#t you have to offer, but you must be serious ppl.

huja! :ph34r:
Just thought I could offer my services. I work as an 3D artist and used to make graphics for demos and games on the Atari ST. The GPs resolution is a abit low for 3D rendered graphics but with a bit of "by hand antialiasing" it looks quite good. So if you need logos, sprites, backgrounds, etc. please contact me. I dont have an online gallery but I could send you stuff to look at. I am dedicated and like to work in a team. ( this is beginning to sound like a job application ;) )
I certainley am serious normin (sorry if it's worng).

Firstly guys I've been well distant for ages due to piles of games to test, going on holiday and turning 21 (Wahey)

Also Xbox Live has been stealing my time, but the novelty is wearing of and with my new pc coming, I'm hungry to dev.

So, once again I thank you all for being patient.

Can anyone with hardcore skills in the specific areas ie: coding, gfx,etc

Drop me a post if they want to be a departmental leader (just rounding the work up)


deano or C3DPO on LIVE
i'm willing to spend serious time doing .mid (and maybe .mod) files if anyone needs me. been dabbling with cubase for YEARS now and am competent enough.
i work for free! -- PAPAPOPALUNG@YAHOO.CO.UK --