Tuxedomask29 said:
may88 said:
It's amazing how big a number 4000 now seems. Pointless pole however.
Just out of curiosity... Why is it pointless? I think it's pretty cool to be able to click and see all the users that fall into a range of numbers. Let's you know who were the early birds and who were the worms. ;-)
Gruso said:
lol @ one of the names that voted 1-300.
Yep, I caught that one right away (LOL).
Ignorance mainly. Not as pointless now I've followed a few posts after mine and realised I may have the number of life, the universe and my position in the queue. No! I'm not #42, but in the 2800s (ordered end of March/confirmed early April for reference) that is if the last portion of the order number is the queue number.
Also not as pointless now I realise you can click on the result and see the names. Lol +1 at Mr. No.1. Surely of all people his name needs not be here.
Got to thinking that I may have voted wrong. Numbers are sequential. The Credit card problems meant that a lot of users re-ordered. Were these orders simply renewed or did people cancel and think about it and come back again. May be I'm not 28xx but a few earlier than that. It sounds like it's only two weeks from start to finish so it won't make much difference.
Mind you next time anyone starts whining and threatening cancel their order, I'll ask them for their order number and if below 2800 then I'm sympathise with their plight and encourage them to go.

Just kidding. Anyone saying they're going to cancel at this stage is mental. We're so close....I'm so excited.
Oh and Gruso... Where are you in the list? Are we not casting your vote then? Come on now don't be shy. The Great Gruso is a valued member of the community and someone would truly have been lynched by now if it was not for your regular contributions to the unofficial blog, so if you've pre-ordered then be proud and vote.
Edit: No edit - warts and all posting. Although proof read to the limit of my alcohol reduced abilities.