Your pandora has been shipped

confirmation on 21 today its 4th should be the 12th day today damn usps I hope they didnt mean 12 bussiness days that would mean another week or sumthin.

bottom line is pay the damn 20-30 $ not worth the wait XD I am checking my email and I keep tracking the page still says orgin waiting shipment hell I even had a dream and they were still late usps fail in real life and dreams.
How long does air mail generally take to ship to the USA? I'm hoping that my wait would be less since I'm in Chicago...which I guess is a major center for transit.

It would be another $25 to upgrade my order to UPS Express...I already paid $150 to upgrade to premium...
2 days unless customs or weather screw you.

Excluding weekends, Union walkouts, and missing that delivery.

$25 is worth every penny following the package with tracking. Much more entertaining than reading a Benji Stein rant.
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I paid 29 euro shipping from germany with DHL...

01.03.11 16:06 Hours -- The shipment has been posted by the sender at the retail outlet

01.03.11 19:19 Hours -- The instruction data for this shipment have been provided by the sender to DHL electronically

02.03.11 18:33 Hours -- The international shipment has been processed in the parcel center of origin

03.03.11 03:03 Hours -- The international shipment has been processed in the export parcel center

as of right now it's 04.03.11 1220 over there and the package is still sitting in Saulheim Germany. Hopefully it will get to the US within the next week or two.... I'm glad I paid almost $45 USD on shipping!
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I paid 29 euro shipping from germany with DHL...

as of right now it's 04.03.11 1220 over there and the package is still sitting in Saulheim Germany. Hopefully it will get to the US within the next week or two.... I'm glad I paid almost $45 USD on shipping!
At least you got tracking with DHL. I paid somewhere between $40-60 dollars to ship a package from Germany to the US in 2007 and it took almost 2 months to arrive. I didn't pay the $80 to have it expedited.

Good news is today I got an email on my RMA'd unit, a new one is enroute and should be here Monday. I find this to be a mistake in UPS system, because Monday will be overnight/Next Day technically. We'll see how the exceptions go watching this tracking process through UPS/Customs/UPS system.
Good news is today I got an email on my RMA'd unit, a new one is enroute and should be here Monday. I find this to be a mistake in UPS system, because Monday will be overnight/Next Day technically. We'll see how the exceptions go watching this tracking process through UPS/Customs/UPS system.
I got an e-mail today, for the same reason, too. :D Apparently it should be here tomorrow or at the latest on Monday, because Royal Mail won't guarantee next-day delivery if the "next day" happens to be Saturday, even though Saturday is a day when they do deliveries. Here's hoping for tomorrow. :D
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i did have my Pandora since yesterday (yesterday, all my trouble seems to far away...), it was a premium Upgrade, and im happy whit it, the right shoulderbutton dosnt work, but on the games i play, i can easely map it on 0 or something.., the nubs and the dpad are awesome.., and the formfaktor too..
Seriously people UPS is definitely the way to ship to the US. $25 is a bargain when you consider the tracking and delivery speed of the package! The inability to track the package alone is worth the $25, when you consider that the $25 extra gets you peace of mind in knowing where your Pandora visits.
Totally agree. I've suffered through two Pandora shipments to Aus via Royal Mail (read: regular airmail). Not knowing where it is or if/when it's going to show up is craptacular.
My Pandora finally arrived, 13 days/12 business days after shipping, a little more than 6 hours after I received the tracking number. I kept holding back on asking because I knew that with my luck it'd probably arrive on the same day I got the tracking number, and I was right.
shipped on 21 Airmail never again <_<

Delivered, March 05, 2011, 12:02 pm, SPRINGFIELD GARDENS,
shipped on 21 Airmail never again <_<

Delivered, March 05, 2011, 12:02 pm, SPRINGFIELD GARDENS,
Airmail is a valuable lesson to learn.

Just checked my tracking from UPS and my Premium Pandora RMA is in Oakland for delivery by the end of the day tomorrow. That's hella fast as they would say in Oakland. Props to UPS for moving things along over the weekend and customs for not holding things up. It left the UK on Friday, so that's overnight as far as I'm concerned.
I woke this morning (03-07-11) at 6:00am in Ohio, USA. I saw my Droid X flashing a green light indicating I have an e-mail. Could this be it??

After a year and a half of waiting for this day, I just received my "This is to confirm your Pandora has shipped" e-mail from OpenPandora!

I was a Batch 1 preorder and upgraded to the Premium on March 1st. OpenPandora has lived up to their word and has delivered! Thanks Team!

Good things are now around the corner. Great timing too - this past weekend I just downloaded all of my apps, emulators, and other misc. stuff and prepared my SD card(s) setup. Hotfix 5 will be first.

Keep faith everyone. It will come.
My order was confirmed on February 27th and I got my shipping confirmation this morning, March 7th. I sprang for the expensive UPS shipping, so if all goes well, I should have myself a minty new Pandora by Wednesday. Can't wait!

*Edit: I was originally a Batch 1'er, once on the first day of preorders in '08 and again in March of '10. Both times, I had to cancel due to unforseen bills. Ordered a premium Pandora when I realized I had the means and the turnaround was so quick(relatively speaking).
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I wish someone from Craigix's queue would report here, it has been a while and I'm curious to know where we are. So if you're reading this thread and not reporting your shipping will you please? Units have to be shipping from Craigix's queue.
I wish someone from Craigix's queue would report here, it has been a while and I'm curious to know where we are. So if you're reading this thread and not reporting your shipping will you please? Units have to be shipping from Craigix's queue.

1,150 - 1,250 in Craig's queue here, no e-mail yet.


I thought I would add that Jacq stated it would be approximately 2 weeks before shipment last time I asked... the two week mark will be this Thursday. I don't wanna bug her again, but I also don't want to be left in the dark concerning ETA for shipment e-mails.
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I wish someone from Craigix's queue would report here, it has been a while and I'm curious to know where we are. So if you're reading this thread and not reporting your shipping will you please? Units have to be shipping from Craigix's queue.
Yeahh iirc you're 850-950 too right? I've been on the edge so SO LONG! I've been praying that I'd get it in time for spring break but it's not looking likely anymore...
I wish someone from Craigix's queue would report here, it has been a while and I'm curious to know where we are. So if you're reading this thread and not reporting your shipping will you please? Units have to be shipping from Craigix's queue.
Yeahh iirc you're 850-950 too right? I've been on the edge so SO LONG! I've been praying that I'd get it in time for spring break but it's not looking likely anymore...
Well, ED's queue thins out after midnight so maybe Craigix's queue does also, I hope so anyway.