Your Most Wanted Ported Game On Pandora?

Lucas Arts X-Wing space simulator. I don't know if it's possible to port it cause the code seems to be closed. Maybe it will run under dosbox. If it's possible I'll defentently by the panda.

Aces over the pacific or strike commander (falcon 3.0?) would also be nice. That's what I dream of since I bought my atari lynx. Carrying a realy good sim around with me in my pocket.

What do you guys think?
hal9000 said:
Jackd said:
maybe when they optimize it to the point that i can run it on anything better than 30fps with low everything windowed in 800x600 with my 2.13ghz core2duo and ati hd3850.
Flightgear does not require a powerful machine (a 5 years old PC is enough). There is probably something wrong with your settings (or maybe FPS are locked?).

On Pandora, memory requirements will probably be a problem.

thats strange... ill have to fiddle with it some more, thanks for the tip.
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Sauerbraten or Cube online + a sure pandora (only) server hosted by ED or craigix!!! :rolleyes:
Diablo 2 (but there isn't any source so keep deaming :P)
Jazz Jackrabbit 2 then (ow crap, no source either)

Well I would love perfect DOSBOX emulation so I could play games like BioMenace which won't run nicely on the 2x..
And OpenJazz
So it sounds like a lot of you guys are planning on playing RTS games on the pandora. Is this really feasible? I think it would be hard to play espeically on a touch screen that will potentially swing backwards when you click something.

Personally I'm really excited for playstation emulation. I never had one growing up, so I'm excited to check out all of the games I've missed.
Gaidin said:
So it sounds like a lot of you guys are planning on playing RTS games on the pandora. Is this really feasible? I think it would be hard to play espeically on a touch screen that will potentially swing backwards when you click something.

How hard are you planning to press the screen exactly to get a click? You do know you only have to tap them right?
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Gaidin said:
So it sounds like a lot of you guys are planning on playing RTS games on the pandora. Is this really feasible? I think it would be hard to play espeically on a touch screen that will potentially swing backwards when you click something.

Personally I'm really excited for playstation emulation. I never had one growing up, so I'm excited to check out all of the games I've missed.
C'mon, now we're just making silly situations up. Is there actually an RTS game that uses a touchscreen or are you just trolling? There is a dpad and two joysticks in front of you, what could anyone possibly take their hand off the controls and tap the screen for?
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Sphinxter said:
C'mon, now we're just making silly situations up. Is there actually an RTS game that uses a touchscreen or are you just trolling? There is a dpad and two joysticks in front of you, what could anyone possibly take their hand off the controls and tap the screen for?
I could ask the same of you. I would assume that any RTS you can play with a mouse can be played with a touch screen.

Which makes me think your being sarcastic.

Either way my concern, i guess, was mainly with the sturdiness of the clamshell hinge. I've never used a device with a touchscreen on a clamshell lid before.
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Gaidin said:
Either way my concern, i guess, was mainly with the sturdiness of the clamshell hinge. I've never used a device with a touchscreen on a clamshell lid before.
I guess Craig's post answered that. You only tap it very lightly, you're not jabbing the screen.
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