You Know This Game?


Still Fresh
Mar 6, 2008
So I am downloading stuff I might want to try on my GP2X F200 when I get it in the mail. DosBox is one of the emulators I am going to try. There was a old DOS game I downloaded a few months ago, and it was fantastic, but I can't remember the name of it.

It used the Doom Engine, but it had interesting elements, such as multiple paths in the story, quests, and shops, where you could buy ammo, equipment and weapons. There were tons of NPCs and you could make decisions in the game, that would alter the way you had to play the game later on down the path. It had digital voices and interesting weapons. You could upgrade your stats, via a special NPC when you completed certain tasks. IE, you'd start with 100 health, but could upgrade it all the way to 300 max.

Any idea at all? Thanks.
I don't know what the game is (sounds cool though!), but it doesn't sound like it'd run very well in Dosbox on the GP2x :( The current port is only fast enough to run very basic games - think 286/low spec 386.

Edit: Although Doom itself has been ported, and runs well, so there is hope if this game's open source :)
Fishbong said:
Reminds me of Hexen, but sounds somewhat different from your description.

EDIT: No, it´s not Hexen. But maybe Strife is what you´re looking for?
Yes! You got it, Strife is what I am looking for!
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