Impressive Game

That's one hell of a piece of compression, and the graphics/engine was very nice too!. You could distribute all 3 chapters on one floppy disk (probably with room to spare, amazing).
on my radeon 9600(bow) it ran okay but nothing to yell about. of course it was on high rez and most features was on. Click.
Ran like shite on my old xp2700 wtih a radeon 9700 128meg gfx card and 512meg of fast ram of which 412meg is available :o

Yet i can play Far cry with all settings set to high at 1024 x768 :huh:

First time i've seen my pc jerk that badly!
I love this stuff. We should have a GP32 demo comp where FXEs must be under 64 KB or something... the emphasis on randomly generating the graphics or using wireframes will make sure people focus on gameplay ;)
Rico posted on Apr 14 2004 at 10:20 PM said:
I love this stuff. We should have a GP32 demo comp where FXEs must be under 64 KB or something... the emphasis on randomly generating the graphics or using wireframes will make sure people focus on gameplay ;)
Ohhhhhhh ahhhhhhhhh

Good idea :) I'd enter with another Guarenteed Crap (tm) game ;)
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rcx21000 posted on Apr 14 2004 at 12:21 PM said:
Steve-O posted on Apr 14 2004 at 09:39 AM said:
Azure posted on Apr 14 2004 at 07:44 AM said:
I have enough! W00t (Is this the first time I have used the word "w00t" out of my 1800+ posts on these boards???) for MSI GeForce4 Ti4200 128mb DDR!
cooool u got a Ti4200 as well :D

Have u made sure that -

ANtialising Settings is OFF
Antisotropic Filtering is OFF
Vertical Sync is OFF


THat will speed games up by miles if they are off :D
I wasnt talking to you :P hehe
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Azure posted on Apr 14 2004 at 04:42 PM said:
Steve-O posted on Apr 14 2004 at 02:39 AM said:
Azure posted on Apr 14 2004 at 07:44 AM said:
I have enough! W00t (Is this the first time I have used the word "w00t" out of my 1800+ posts on these boards???) for MSI GeForce4 Ti4200 128mb DDR!
cooool u got a Ti4200 as well :D

Have u made sure that -

ANtialising Settings is OFF
Antisotropic Filtering is OFF
Vertical Sync is OFF


THat will speed games up by miles if they are off :D
But I want them on! :D
Theres not much point seen as they are only realy for DirectX 9 Cards (like the Geforce FX's, Radeon 9600's Above etc) :D

Our Ti4200's are only DirectX 8 Cards :D so this makes them struggle with them settings on...

Trust me, Your FPS Etc will increase by miles if u do Turn them OFF...
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I have a GF4 Ti4200 64mb and can run both Far Cry and UT2004 with high graphics, so bear with me here. None of those settings were 'really made for directx 9 cards' they're just ways of making the game look even better if you've already got it running smoothly with everything maxed out.

Ansisotropic filtering: makes textures sharper. Anti-aliasing: blurs the edges. Both of these problems can be sorted out by simply raising the resolution. I played through Freedom Fighters at 1024x768 a while back and recently replayed it, maxing the res to 1280x1024. To my surprise, the game ran almost exactly the same. Try it.

V-sync: technically it waits for the monitor to refresh before drawing, which stops the screen from 'tearing up' when drawing goes out of sync with refreshing. Nowadays you can get away with keeping it on because drawing is typically always as fast as your refresh rate, unless it's insanely large, and then you may have to turn it off to get any decent framerate. I'd just leave it on.

Oh and Steve-O, perhaps your linkage in forums might attract some new gp32 peeps... but hopefully not gp32 release groups :P ASTONISHA.STORY.R-DEViANCE...