Xperia Play

Good review, thanks for linking SONY.

I'm wondering... is there any way to get the Xperia Play onto a big screen? I heard it doesn't have HDMI out, either on the device or on the sold-separately docking station. Does that mean it's flat out impossible to play the emulators and videos on your TV? Or can you use some kind of bluetooth thing? One of the coolest things about ED's videos was seeing how good the Pandora display looked on a TV screen, it's a shame if the Play can't do the same.

I guess Sony just put their foot down and said they didn't want the Play competing with the Playstation. The bastards.
Initially they said they would be adding HDMI at a later date but I haven't heard anything since. Would be nice to have the option but is that even possible through the USB port?
I don't know myself, but I wouldn't be surprised if they've somehow managed to block off that functionality completely. Makes sense from their point of view, I guess.
Yeah it's hard to know whats going on, I'm sure SE were pushing for HDMI as all of the new xperia range features HDMI connectivity but maybe, as you said, the call was made from above not to include it in case it encroaches on other Sony products market share.
The Xperia Play is a bummer, let-down, black sheep-of-PlayStation brand.

This 'KIRF' or more accurately "knock-off" I believe is slightly better than the PSP Go/PSP 3000/XPlay.

The Link

I think they could come up with a following model, aka version two, which is more luxurious but more decent in features like:
- Four shoulder buttons
- Fix the software bugs (CM7 anyone)
- Have it Quadband GSM + 3G (compatible for 85% of the world)
- Build with better materials like Aluminium/textured-plastic (ASUS Transformer)
- Have the usual connectivities (Bluetooth, GPS, digital compass, gyro)
- Perhaps decrease the size to something like 4" so it is more pocketable
- Use a better quality screen, perhaps a cheap/decent SuperLCD
- Use a better internals (Tegra2, 1GB RAM) for better performance/Tegra Zone etc

Then it could be something like the ultimate-handheld (until NGP lands anyway), just think:
>100,000 Android Apps.
>1,000,000 Retro games (emulated).
>1,000,000 DOS, PSX, N64, DS, GBA games.
>>4,000,000 Flash games.
+ theres a Nintendo DS (not 3DS/DSi) emulator out now
+ the Dreamcast emulator is in development (requires dualcore?)
Kangal mate!

Xperia Play is only PS Certified not actually a PlayStation brand.

EDIT: Also, Orion made a thread about the iReady Go.
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Kangal said:
The Xperia Play is a bummer, let-down, black sheep-of-PlayStation brand.

This 'KIRF' or more accurately "knock-off" I believe is slightly better than the PSP Go/PSP 3000/XPlay.

The Link

I think they could come up with a following model, aka version two, which is more luxurious but more decent in features like:
- Four shoulder buttons
- Fix the software bugs (CM7 anyone)
- Have it Quadband GSM + 3G (compatible for 85% of the world)
- Build with better materials like Aluminium/textured-plastic (ASUS Transformer)
- Have the usual connectivities (Bluetooth, GPS, digital compass, gyro)
- Perhaps decrease the size to something like 4" so it is more pocketable
- Use a better quality screen, perhaps a cheap/decent SuperLCD
- Use a better internals (Tegra2, 1GB RAM) for better performance/Tegra Zone etc

Then it could be something like the ultimate-handheld (until NGP lands anyway), just think:
>100,000 Android Apps.
>1,000,000 Retro games (emulated).
>1,000,000 DOS, PSX, N64, DS, GBA games.
>>4,000,000 Flash games.
+ theres a Nintendo DS (not 3DS/DSi) emulator out now
+ the Dreamcast emulator is in development (requires dualcore?)
Except that knock-off isn't a phone and most of your points sound like you haven't even used the Play.

-While four shoulder buttons would be nice the thing is a phone first and foremost and it is already a bit on the big side, show me one dedicated handheld with four shoulder buttons never mind a phone with gaming controls tacked on.
- Not sure what you're referring to with software bugs and CM7? Anyway I have yet to experience even minor bugs with the OS never mind ones that would put out me off the phone.
-Quadband+3g: Not sure on this one TBH as I don't know much about mobile networks but the phone should work in most countries where average income/cost of living makes it a viable option. Heres a breakdown of the different models avaliable and the networks they work on (and it has 3g):
R800a ---> UMTS HSPA 800 (Band VI), 850 (Band V), 1900 (Band II), 2100 (Band I) GSM GPRS/EDGE 850, 900, 1800, 1900
R800at ---> UMTS HSPA 800 (Band VI), 850 (Band V), 1900 (Band II), 2100 (Band I) GSM GPRS/EDGE 850, 900, 1800, 1900
R800i ---> UMTS HSPA 900 (Band VIII), 2100 (Band I) GSM GPRS/EDGE 850, 900, 1800, 1900
R800x ---> CDMA2000®, cdmaOne, EVDO
-Build materials/quality can be a pretty subjective thing but IMO the build quality is really good. The back cover is very flimsy but apart from that the phone is finished to a high quality with a glass screen and shatter proof screen protector as standard. The main thing though is that the sliding mechanism is perfect, it doesn't feel flimsy at all and the phone doesn't turn into an easily bent mess with the pad out.
-Features Bluetooth 2.1+EDR, Wifi n, gps, a gyro. Not sure on the compass but it seems to have one or is using some software tricks to mimic one.
- The screen is 4" (lol)
- The screen qulaity is perfectly fine, while an AMOLED or similar would be nice there is no problem with the screen included. The auto-dim software could use some work though, although custom roms should remove this (and let the phone be overclocked to 1.4GHz+).
- Better internals is one point I actually agree with you on but I will say that the phone will play any game on the market now and emulate every system up to and including PSX perfectly. It will do N64 too but not as well, mainly due to N64oid being in its infancy though (i.e better specs aren't going to help much).

And on your last points the Play is able to do all of that already to a very high standard barr the last 2. Don't expect DS to be good anytime soon and as far as I know the DC project has been abandoned.

Sorry to go off on one like a raging fanboy there but most of your points seemed invalid or unfair when judging the Play against its competition (smart phones). Reading your post again you may have been suggesting these features for that Chinese knock off but I typed all this shite so I'm going to post it lol.
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SONY said:
Kangal mate!

Xperia Play is only PS Certified not actually a PlayStation brand.

EDIT: Also, Orion made a thread about the iReady Go.

Sorry about that, I'm too slow now (getting too old :D).
If I was SONY, I would not let the PlayStation brand touch anything bad/average.
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finty said:
Except that knock-off isn't a phone and most of your points sound like you haven't even used the Play.

-While four shoulder buttons would be nice the thing is a phone first and foremost and it is already a bit on the big side, show me one dedicated handheld with four shoulder buttons never mind a phone with gaming controls tacked on.
- Not sure what you're referring to with software bugs and CM7? Anyway I have yet to experience even minor bugs with the OS never mind ones that would put out me off the phone.
-Quadband+3g: Not sure on this one TBH as I don't know much about mobile networks but the phone should work in most countries where average income/cost of living makes it a viable option. Heres a breakdown of the different models avaliable and the networks they work on (and it has 3g):
R800a ---> UMTS HSPA 800 (Band VI), 850 (Band V), 1900 (Band II), 2100 (Band I) GSM GPRS/EDGE 850, 900, 1800, 1900
R800at ---> UMTS HSPA 800 (Band VI), 850 (Band V), 1900 (Band II), 2100 (Band I) GSM GPRS/EDGE 850, 900, 1800, 1900
R800i ---> UMTS HSPA 900 (Band VIII), 2100 (Band I) GSM GPRS/EDGE 850, 900, 1800, 1900
R800x ---> CDMA2000®, cdmaOne, EVDO
-Build materials/quality can be a pretty subjective thing but IMO the build quality is really good. The back cover is very flimsy but apart from that the phone is finished to a high quality with a glass screen and shatter proof screen protector as standard. The main thing though is that the sliding mechanism is perfect, it doesn't feel flimsy at all and the phone doesn't turn into an easily bent mess with the pad out.
-Features Bluetooth 2.1+EDR, Wifi n, gps, a gyro. Not sure on the compass but it seems to have one or is using some software tricks to mimic one.
- The screen is 4" (lol)
- The screen qulaity is perfectly fine, while an AMOLED or similar would be nice there is no problem with the screen included. The auto-dim software could use some work though, although custom roms should remove this (and let the phone be overclocked to 1.4GHz+).
- Better internals is one point I actually agree with you on but I will say that the phone will play any game on the market now and emulate every system up to and including PSX perfectly. It will do N64 too but not as well, mainly due to N64oid being in its infancy though (i.e better specs aren't going to help much).

And on your last points the Play is able to do all of that already to a very high standard barr the last 2. Don't expect DS to be good anytime soon and as far as I know the DC project has been abandoned.

Sorry to go off on one like a raging fanboy there but most of your points seemed invalid or unfair when judging the Play against its competition (smart phones). Reading your post again you may have been suggesting these features for that Chinese knock off but I typed all this shite so I'm going to post it lol.

Haha lol man, those suggestions was for the knock-off not for the XPlay.
I dont see any speck of fanboism in my post, but its hilarious to be called one anyways XD

Besides I demo'd the XPlay and it felt exactly like the Desire Z only with a game-pad= not a bad thing, but feels dated next to GSII and Atrix and the-like. I really didn't like the performance of the dual-touchpads either.
The whole thing feels rushed, because it probably is.

But just imagine if that iReadyGo (the NGP knock-off) got those enhancements I mentioned... I probably prefer it over the NGP because it will be more compact (powerful emulator and smartphone in one!)
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I wasn't calling you a fanboy I was apologising in case I was coming across as one. Both valid points about the play, it is already outdated hardware wise compared to some new handsets and the "analogues" are all but useless.
So as promised after one month of ownership... how are my feelings?

I absolutely adore the xperia play. Single best purchase ever from a retro gamer's perspective. I've played completely through final fantasy 7 (all 3 discs), most of the Legend of Zelda franchise(nes, snes gbc, gba, N64) Lufia 1, 2(snes), metroid (nes, snes, gba) haven't beaten them all but played a good portion of all of them probally have put in over 100 hours of gaming in the past month. Just want to say agian how much I love this thing. I don't play my pandora that much anymore, what I'm waiting on a now is an android port to the pandora, hopefully the bounty I put up ($200 might get some bites... who knows?)

Why don't I play the pandora anymore? I'm tired of trying to battle the interface and boot up times just to play a game inbetween breaks at work, and now that it's warmer I can't put the pandora in my jacket pocket, luckily I figured out how to transfer my save files from my pandora to my android emulators. The real reason though is the pandora just seems like too much of a hassle to be completely honest, I kinda just want something that "just works" I can go from power on (instant on) to load save state of the last game I was playing to knees deep into a game in a matter of seconds. It would take me 3+ min on the pandora due to having to disable the "instant off" because of the battery drain ~5%/hour

anywho... I also want to update on the extended battery. Some people were curious about it. I got it in the mail a couple days ago, and I'm seeing 12+ hours of total running gaming time on my setup. *please note this was while burning in my battery via an app that runs the cpu and screen 100%, real life useage will be much much better obviously) Please note agian(as previously mentioned in my review) my play is running in wifi only mode with no phone radios enabled. Obviously if you use this as a phone it will be cut down some (approximately 1/2 - 1/3rd so approximately 8 hours maybe?) hopefully that's enough disclaimers to fend off haters :P

someone also said something about the thickness of the device as stock being painfully thin. I have gotten really used to the stock thickness, and my hands don't mind at all. However with the extended battery there is less than a half milimeter difference between the thickness of the pandora and the play, the play being just ever ever so slightly thinner. Also the play is curved and feels oh so much better on the hands while playing.

Not going to waist anymore time talking it up, if there's any questions or you want some more comparitive pandora vs play pictures (like screen brightness, extended battery etc etc) let me know!






What emulator are you using on it as I am thinking of getting an 7" Android

He has played through Ocarina of Time? It kept randomly quitting on me so I gave up. The N64 emulator still needs a lot of work, hopefully the dev is still working on an Android Market release, he should make a good bit of money and a lot of people happy lol.

I actually had to put my XPlay up for sale :(. Need the money for car insurance but once I get a job I'll be buying another one straight away. Haven't sold it yet though as I'm only selling it locally and the recession is still in full swing here. Have had a lot of good offers for swaps though, one lad is looking to swap a 42inch HDTV along with a PS3 and 7 games. Very tempted by this depending on the TVs make and model, I know it doesn't help my insurance needs but I could sell the PS3 on (already have 2, one for online one with CFW) and have a 42" in my bedroom lol. But I will be damn sad to see my Play go, I use it all day every day, android is an awesome platform and the gaming controls compliment it brilliantly.
Seems sonys got a problem.

None of the games on sale has sold over a thousand copies, and most have sold far less. Speaking to Playstation Lifestyle, however, Sony Ericsson’s Dominic Neil-Dwyer said that they weren’t too worried just yet.

And another story....

Gaming smartphone faces delays in New Zealand as launch stock is stolen

Having got off to a rocky start following its UK launch last month, Sony Ericsson’s Xperia Play handset faces further woes as the shipment of launch units for Vodafone New Zealand is stolen en route.

Seen as you can add a wiimote (with classic controler) to a android smartphone, & they can emulate PS1 (PSX4Droid I dont really see much point in this phone, the hardware is already outdated at relase, get it on 2 year contract and your stuck!

I got the samsung galaxy s2, much better, more future proof, just dosent have the built it control pad, but with wiimote thats not a problem
Aye because carrying around a wiimote and classic controller is just what the average consumer needs, you're deluded if you think this is a comparable solution to an all in one handset not much bigger than other phones. And if Sony would release some PS1 classics like MGS or FF7 I'm sure they would see increased software sales, although not from me as FPSE offers almost perfect emulation and I have quite a large PS1 games collection from back in the day and PSN purchases. If they want to be serious about the Playstation Certified brand they need to start releasing PSP games, although I'm not sure the XPlay hardware is up to that.
KoH said:
I got the samsung galaxy s2, much better, more future proof, just dosent have the built it control pad, but with wiimote thats not a problem
So you hold the wiimote with one hand, and the phone with the other?
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