Xperia Play Questions, Concerns and Comparisons.


Still Fresh
May 9, 2013
For the longest time I've been using blackberry devices for their awesome full qwerty keyboard and sturdy devices that just seem to last for ever.

A few weeks ago, my almost 2 year old 9790 kicked the bucket (whhaaa?!). I've resorted to an older Bold for the time being, but I thought "hey, why not a new line of phones?" then i remembered "OH! Xperia Play has an awesome slide-out gamepad."

There is so much discussion all over the web about this thing. I'm on the fence at the moment, not so much of the people's opinions about the device's capabilities, but mostly because I can't decide between physical keyboard or gamepad.

If I got an Xperia Play I'd use it for classic games (nes, snes, sega, gbc, gba, ps1, even 64 games seem to run smoothly on that thing). I would also be using it as my main MP3 player, as I did with my 9790.

I also want to know if I should get a bluetooth keyboard for the device to use for texting and such. (OR should I do it the other way around? Get a different android device with a bluetooth gamepad? (icontrolpad2? ...crrraaiig...) )

-Should I get an Xperia Play? It would be my first "game-phone" seeing as any given blackberry (excluding the Q10, Z10) can barely even emulate a gameboy. So basically, just seeing that this thing can flawlessly emulate ps1 games is a personal selling point.

-Is the media player on par (or better) than the 9790's? (aka, does it have playlists, seamless playback, etc..)

-Does the on-screen keyboard feel like crap?

-Does the Xperia play have built in GPS? (I literally can't find any sources that say yes or no. it's frustrating as it's a requirement for me)

-Can the Xperia Play tether to other devices? (I used to host a wireless network with my 9790 for my pandora. internet on the go!)

-Can the Xperia Play's bluetooth provide mp3 playback?

I hope asking all these obscure questions isn't too much of a nuisance.

I also would like to mention that this is my first post, but I'll be tending to it often :3 I'm frequently poking around these forums for Pandora stuff anyway.

btw, the Pandora itself rocks. Very happy with it so far. Too big for my pocket though.. goes in the man-purse... err satchel.

Thanks, guys :)
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I have an experia play and I don't like it for games that much. It's only really good for short play sessions as I found the controller too uncomfortable to hold for a long time.
The Xperia Play has a 1ghz single-core processor. This may be OK for you, but it was much to slow IMO for an android phone. I have a Quad Core 1.6 (or is it 1.9?)ghz phone right now (the galaxy s4) and it still runs things like PPSSPP very slow. If all you want to play is N64 and below, then you should be fine. But anything from Google Play that requirws 3D graphics will likely not work or will be too slow to play.
The Xperia Play is good imo, root it and put on Slimbean ROM or another which loses all the Sony bloatware. It then runs good enough. Obviously not as good as more modern phones like One or S4 but well enough.

Does have GPS as I've used it on navigation app.

Think would be better having a more modern/powerful phone though teamed with iCP2, but who knows when that will be available...

Getting the S4 with Samsungs gamepad might be another good option, will probably be available before iCP2 too. I'm suspecting that has a simple and quick setup.

Would also have a decent enough and large enough on screen kboard on that.

For the size though and instant emu gaming can't knock the Xperia Play
*summons ANDROID / SNESFAN* rang???

:looks around:

looks like you guys pretty much got it

You can tether if you root it and use one of the root required tether apps or put pda net on it. Also mp3 playback over BT works fine on stock or aftermarket firmware. 

BTW... Get an mugen 3600mah extended battery to make it feel better to hold

:goes back to sleep:
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I had the Xperia Play and it was a good Mobile Phone.

I modded Android 4.0 on it with the help from XDA Devs.

But its broken.

What break on a "slider Phone" first?

Yes the Slider.

I tried to fix that flatcable inside but it was then finaly broken.

I never buy a "Slider Phone" in the Future.

The Xperia Play was good,but when ever it break on that weak slider Cable am i not more interested.
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wtf, I ended up at that page after so many googles, and only after you've posted that link did I find the "GPS" section. DARN.

thanks :b

I have an experia play and I don't like it for games that much. It's only really good for short play sessions as I found the controller too uncomfortable to hold for a long time.
If it feels like the PSPGO then I think I'll be fine with it. I found the PSPGO was a little small, but perfect for emulation.

I highly recommend it for emus only.


btw, the Pandora itself rocks. Very happy with it so far. Too big for my pocket though.. goes in the man-purse... err satchel.
Hahahaha :D
The Xperia Play has a 1ghz single-core processor. This may be OK for you, but it was much to slow IMO for an android phone. I have a Quad Core 1.6 (or is it 1.9?)ghz phone right now (the galaxy s4) and it still runs things like PPSSPP very slow. If all you want to play is N64 and below, then you should be fine. But anything from Google Play that requirws 3D graphics will likely not work or will be too slow to play.
Yeah, I'd probably only end up playing emulated games on it. The new appmarket stuff just doesn't seem appealing to me what so ever.

The Xperia Play is good imo, root it and put on Slimbean ROM or another which loses all the Sony bloatware. It then runs good enough. Obviously not as good as more modern phones like One or S4 but well enough.

Does have GPS as I've used it on navigation app.

Think would be better having a more modern/powerful phone though teamed with iCP2, but who knows when that will be available...

Getting the S4 with Samsungs gamepad might be another good option, will probably be available before iCP2 too. I'm suspecting that has a simple and quick setup.

Would also have a decent enough and large enough on screen kboard on that.

For the size though and instant emu gaming can't knock the Xperia Play
Yes, I've read the pre-loaded sony software really sucks. I will definitely be rooting it for sure. I've also seen rooting it will help performance, which makes perfect sense.

Yeah it's small alright. Which is amazing.

I had the Xperia Play and it was a good Mobile Phone.

I modded Android 4.0 on it with the help from XDA Devs.

But its broken.

What break on a "slider Phone" first?

Yes the Slider.

I tried to fix that flatcable inside but it was then finaly broken.

I never buy a "Slider Phone" in the Future.

The Xperia Play was good,but when ever it break on that weak slider Cable am i not more interested.
I take very good care of my stuff. Can't see myself breaking the slider on it. I used to have the BBtorch for a while. Slider never broke on me.

To all the Galaxy S4/S3 comments:

I would totally get one of those new Galaxy or Note devices if they weren't so massive. I have a serious problem with large phones, sorry. Should have mentioned that in OP.

I think I'll be getting the Xperia Play though. Thanks for all your feedback guys! Really great forums here. Was also glad to see I wasn't instantly or moderately flamed at all. Seems to be a problem on the internet nowadays, which is why I try to keep to myself, but this needed some specific feedback.

Again, thanks everyone. The outcome of my thread way exceeded my expectations :)

Expect to see me poking my head in on some forum posts in the near future~
We try to moderate our flaming tendencies around here (more or less)  :rolleyes:

The Xperia Play seems like a nice piece of hardware if you only need a phone with hardware controls for emulators.

About virtual keyboards, they're quite bad. But for sms or short e-mails they're okay (it'll never be as good as a real hardware keyboard). The jellybeans keyboard with its "slideIt-like" functions improve a bit the experience.
We try to moderate our flaming tendencies around here (more or less)  :rolleyes:

The Xperia Play seems like a nice piece of hardware if you only need a phone with hardware controls for emulators.

About virtual keyboards, they're quite bad. But for sms or short e-mails they're okay (it'll never be as good as a real hardware keyboard). The jellybeans keyboard with its "slideIt-like" functions improve a bit the experience.
Reduce flaming, one post at a time!

Android is quite modular, yeah? Can't I install other virtual Keyboards if need be? Won't ever beat a physical keyboard however.

I don't normally plan to write essays or anything of the like on my phone. Think I'll be ok :b
The best android virtual keyboards -IMHO- are Slide It, Swype and Hacker's Keyboard.

If they don't suit you, like you said, there are many more available.

Rooting is good, but far from enough.

If you really want to improve your Play, you should install a custom firmware like Cyanogen Mod, it'll allow you to really use you phone to its fullest. (and get a more up-to-date firmware)

I'm waiting a stable release of CM10 for my Xperia S (wanted to wait a year before loosing the guarantee :P ). It should be fast since Sony - finally - released an official update to Jellybeans for it. (Sony is known to "forget" the previous generations of hardware to "motivate" their customers to buy the new gen  <_<  even when the phone was their "flagship")
I take very good care of my stuff. Can't see myself breaking the slider on it. I used to have the BBtorch for a while. Slider never broke on me.
 I must again correct my bad English.

It was not the Slider who was broken,it was the Flatcable inside :rolleyes:
I take very good care of my stuff. Can't see myself breaking the slider on it. I used to have the BBtorch for a while. Slider never broke on me.
 I must again correct my bad English.

It was not the Slider who was broken,it was the Flatcable inside :rolleyes:
Ahh, now that can be a bother!

No matter- I'll get a spare just in case! I see them all over Ebay and Amazon :o