The Hallucinogenic Elf
I was just interested to hear what people think about this. I sometimes wonder if OpenPandora is the beginning of a big movement in opensource and freedom software.
jbr said:I don't think that's the point of the open source movement. I don't think they'd want to sell stock in the first place.
The Open Source movement makes all kinds of money. Mozilla is a for-profit company. Sun makes tons of money off of its open source projects ( - and now Java and Solaris). Novell makes money from open source. So does RedHat. So does Google. Open source software ≠ non-profit. You can sell support, hardware, training, training materials. Nokia uses open source software on its hardware - but it charges for the hardware. Dell makes money off of every computer it sells, even the ones with Linux.
Besides, this is a hardware company. The software might be free, but the hardware isn't. They will make a profit, (maybe not a huge one at first) off of every unit they sell. The first units were sold at or below cost, to get them into the hands of the developers. The developers, who for the most part, are volunteers. I mean, they even had to pay (not much, but something) for the hardware. So, the software might be free (and I don't know if the whole OS will be or not) as in beer and free as in freedom - but the company is in place to make money.
I would invest, because I think it will be profitable. I see a huge chance for Pandora to be the next Eee PC product, or the next iPhone. By that I don't mean it will replace either of those products - but it has the potential to become a genre-defining product. The Gaming UMPC, or the Console with a computer inside, or the pocketable laptop, the Netbook for gamers, the Fun MID.... whatever. The name of Genre isn't important - because if this takes off like I hope and think it will, every follow-up competitor will just be called a "Pandora killer" if its almost as good and a "Mee Too Pandora" if it's not - and a "Pandora wannabe" if it sucks.
It's a genius product, and if it's marketed well, it could be the next iPod. So, hell yes, I'd invest.
:lol:icurafu said:It's surviving and growing. You list to attract investment. You need investment to grow faster and buy those Capcom licenses you will never use.
thisSnu said:you need an option for 'i would buy stock if i had money for it'
as it is, ill barely have enough for the pandora itself...