Worth It To Go From Gp2x To Gp32?


Still Fresh
Oct 20, 2005

I currently have a gp32, and am REALLY considering buying a gp2x, but want ot make sure it's worth it. I play my gp32 almost every night (most NES emulation). I don't have the BLU version so I can't play in the dark.

1. With the gp2x, can I play in the dark? (does it have a back light?)
2. Is cps1 emulation running at a decent speed?
3. Is SNES emulation running at a decent speed?

Thank in advance
The GP2X is well lit. CPS-2 is great. I *think* CPS-1 has middling support in MAME, though I can't say I've tried it. SNES is pretty good, but it really depends on what you want to be playing, and what kind of framerates you find acceptable. Some games look fine at 20fps like F-Zero or Mario Kart, others look like slideshows, like Treasure Hunter G.
If you get that much enjoyment out of your GP32, you're very likely to love the GP2X. That's just my opinion based on what you wrote, but I will admit that I've never had a GP32. However, everything I've read about the GP32 indicates that the '2X is kind of just a more powerful and flexible version of the '32.

NES emulation is great on the 2X via GPFCE.

Also, isn't there hardly any development for the '32?
I'd go with the others statements. The GP2x is an awesome little machines, it'll be even better once Open2X is out for it ;) But it can do basically everything your GP32 can do and then some more.

NES emulation is absolutely spot on, yes the unit has a backlight. CPS1 emulation is reasonable via MAME and SNES emulation is pretty good via PocketSNES.

Just get some good 2700mAh NiMH batteries (obviously a charger too) and also a mains power supply. A good 2GB SD card and you'll not go far wrong :)
Yorper said:
it can do basically everything your GP32 can do and then some more.
True, but it doesn't have a dpad and it has worse battery life.
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I've had the GP32 (FLU & BLU) for more than 2 years before I got the Gp2x and have to say, that the battery life and the joystick is much better with the GP32. But video replay, SNES & Genesis (which I play most) are very great on GP2X. Also NeoGeo and CPS rocks! So, for me it's what bagmouse7 said...
Jackd said:
Yorper said:
it can do basically everything your GP32 can do and then some more.
True, but it doesn't have a dpad and it has worse battery life.

There's a D-Pad Mod and regarding batteries, if you have good NiMih batteries you will be fine.

If you love the GP32 then you will fall head over heels for the GP2X. It really is like a GP32 plus, but the plus is a BIG plus.
Before I ordered my GP2X I was in two minds about getting one as there were a few around the boards intent on rubbishing it. But now I am soo glad I own one. It's a nice solid little handheld that plays all the things I loved on the 32 but better. i.e. I love Psycho Pinball on the Megadrive, on the GP32 it was playable but the frame rate was a little slow. On the GP2X it's flawless and the audio is much better too!

I presently own 3 handhelds, a GP32, PSP and a GP2X, and the 2X gets all my attention.

Get one, you really will not regret it.

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I loved my gp32, but the 128mb SMC cards were (are) a pain.

4gb SD is SOOOO much better. Personally I'd 'upgrade' for that alone. Batteries aren't a problem for me... but the joystick isn't as good on the gp2x. Numerous ways to fix, and by all accounts the mk II (which is what you'd get if you buy now) is much better than the first.