Worst Box-art Ever (For all terrible packaging artwork, not just from games!)


Well-Known Member
Mar 8, 2008
We've all seen them - horrible images on packaging, oftentimes not bearing any relation to the content within. We've all read countless articles on them, usually on gaming websites which mostly erroneously and lazily point to the US box-art for the first Mega Man game as the worst box-art ever, but we've all seen worse, both within the realm of video game box-art and outside of it too.

This thread is for collecting those "artistic" atrocities. And not just those from video games, either - any form of (safe-for-work, obviously) bad box-art is welcome here.

I'm going to kick this one off with some nightmare fuel - the packaging from Chuckie Egg II. The below scan is from the Amiga version, but the same disturbing artwork was used on all releases of this game, to the best of my knowledge.


Has anyone got anything that can compete with this, and that can better those lazy "Worst Box-art" lists? :p
WARNING: NSFW, brutal and disturbing death metal album covers ahead.

The beatles - Yesterday and today

Canibal Corpse - Butchered at Birth

Another cannibal corpse album cover

Metallica - Load (Looks like flames right? well the album cover was made with the artists sperm, look closely)

I once found even more disturbing covers than this, but i don't think everyone wants to see those.

I don't like any of these bands either (Except for metallica, i don't like only the one mentioned and two other albums of theirs), so i won't look for them if someone is interested; but if so, just google it yourselves, if you really want to.
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WARNING: NSFW, brutal and disturbing death metal album covers ahead.

The beatles - Yesterday and today

Canibal Corpse - Butchered at Birth

Another cannibal corpse album cover

Metallica - Load (Looks like flames right? well the album cover was made with the artists sperm, look closely)

I once found even more disturbing covers than this, but i don't think everyone wants to see those.

I don't like any of these bands either (Except for metallica, i don't like only the one mentioned and two other albums of theirs), so i won't look for them if someone is interested; but if so, just google it yourselves, if you really want to.
Actually that's sperm and blood..

And for the Re-load album, well, that's piss and blood

Not very creative if u ask me? :p
I think it's more like the artist had this idea of trying to put his piss, sperm and blood on the album covers so he could just sit later one day with his trollface on, thinking to himself that there's two metallica albums with, techniclly, his waste printed on the cover art.

Anyway, it is sort of grose if you look at it from a certian perspective.
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Well, this is a Japanese Doritos bag. I think the art work explains the contents quite well.

USA (North America) has the most disgusting video game box arts when compared to it's Japanese and PAL counterparts.
That's not always the case, in fairness, though. :p

Check out this aesthetically-displeasing example, from "Captain Lang" (the Japanese version of High Seas Havoc for the Mega Drive);


The North American version of this game's box-art (along with some variants of the PAL box-art) is this much more accurate (and much nicer-looking) image, which matches the in-game art pretty closely.

Also, I just want to say: I am thoroughly disturbed by that Dorito's packet, and a couple of DM's album covers. :mellow:
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The North-American version of the ICO cover:


Well it does not seem too bad on its own, but it completely fails to capture the spirit of the game (I guess you need to have played it or at least see some talks about it), just to appeal to a market, which seems more likely to sell action-orientated games, than puzzle-orientated ones.

(Compare to the European version)

Also this box-art for the Russian Retail version of Braid... that's just like WTF :blink:


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With the guy behind the girl, with this title, it's a bit wrong...


But I've always thought the great Strider box art which the US version had was p155 poor compared to the Jap one.

I bought this game on import when I first heard of it and really liked the box art:

This one I LIKE:


...But this one, not so much:

More Japanese vs, US cover art.

Bomberman, the original Japanese PC Encgine cover (WIN):


Bomberman the Turbografx US cover (UH...):

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