World Of Warcraft, Yes, You Heard Me!

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Still Fresh
Oct 5, 2008
Dear all,

I've just searched all the forums of the Pandora, and I have yet to come across a topic for this!
World of Warcraft, on the Pandora. I hope this hasn't been covered before, like all the people asking if windows will run on the Panda.

Let it sink in for a moment ;-)

From what I know, and thats mostly very little when it comes to Linux and coding, WoW runs in OpenGL.
As I understand it, the Pandora is especially designed to run on OpenGL.
Here's a wiki page I found on how to run WoW on linux using Wine:

Now we all know that it would be "fun" if it actually ran on the pandora.
But there's a big second arguement that comes into play.
How many portable devices that fit in your pocket can run World of Warcraft perfectly on the device itself (not remotely! ) and cost only about 300$?

This could be a major selling point for the Pandora! I know at least ten people that would buy the Pandora in a heartbeat if it would be capable of such a feat.

What do you guys think?
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Although you have searched the forums, there have been plenty of topics about whether or not WoW would run on the Pandora, and also plenty of topics on whether or not Wine works. I'm surprised that you didn't find any. The answer to both is no. No chance. Not unless Blizzard decides to port it over themselves.
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Wine does not function as you might think. You will not be able to use it for anything on the Pandora.
Wine Is Not a Emulator then can't be made to work on Pandora ^^

Read the FAQ on the Wiki for more informations
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Ah, I'm sorry guys, i truly am.
I did a global search on the pandora forum, I might've skipped something i guess but i didnt see many matches for world of warcraft.

Sorry :-)
Well, I'm not much of a coder but I like to "stick it to the man" ;-) I'm gonne try and find a way to get it running! There must be a way, sure hope there is.
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'arrrgh' said:
'Deso' said:
There must be a way, sure hope there is.

There is not. There will not be a way, ever.

Sure there is a way. He could just reverse engineer the whole WOW client but write it for arm, or he could write a x86 emulator that is so powerful that it bends the laws of physics and/or logic so we could install windows on the pandora.
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Basically there are two somewhat technically feasible options:
- writing a new WoW client, not necessarily full-featured. mostly working servers have been done, but there was never a need for another client.

- running the windows WoW client on wine, which in turn would run on userspace qemu. But right now, userspace qemu with ARM host doesn't work. There's also the problem of OpenGL ES, wine only supports vanilla OpenGL.

Both need extreme developer resources and both may be impossible technically. Just don't bother, it's a boring game anyway.
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Hurr durr WoW sucks because I cant afford it hurr hurr. It wont work because nothing works hurr hurr.

Thats the thread so far ^^.

You can pretty much run any recent game on the Pandora streamed from a Windows PC. I've done it to my weak linux laptop so I can game in the garden. B). I'm not sure about software, considering StreamMyGame is closed source (I think). But WoW has been proven to run on the IPhone via a similar method, so theres probably an ARM build of something of some use out there. I know running WoW on my Pandora is on my list of things to do when I get it.
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First, StreamMyGame seems to have support from its developers, and might see a Pandora port.

Second, the OP stated that he wanted to see if WoW could be run natively, not through some sort of remote connection. Running it natively isn't possible.
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'Butterman' said:
Hurr durr WoW sucks because I cant afford it hurr hurr. It wont work because nothing works hurr hurr.

hurr durr wow sucks for a whole host of reason, the length of which stifled the actual listing of them because it would fill an essay but i'm in denial so i act like the only reason people dislike it is cause theyre poor or too stupid to use it hurr hurr
second: streaming software isn't that great. its pretty shitty actually. im glad that WoW will never be ported natively to pandora, because wowfags are some of the most unbearable people placed upon the earth. i made the mistake of visiting their forums once...
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'PoisonedV' said:
'Butterman' said:
Hurr durr WoW sucks because I cant afford it hurr hurr. It wont work because nothing works hurr hurr.

hurr durr wow sucks for a whole host of reason, the length of which stifled the actual listing of them because it would fill an essay but i'm in denial so i act like the only reason people dislike it is cause theyre poor or too stupid to use it hurr hurr
second: streaming software isn't that great. its pretty shitty actually. im glad that WoW will never be ported natively to pandora, because wowfags are some of the most unbearable people placed upon the earth. i made the mistake of visiting their forums once...
yeah, i played a trial of WoW and visited their forums too. big mistake.
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I knew you would show up PoisonedV. So I'll just put it like this. 10 million people, vs you.
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'PoisonedV' said:
second: streaming software isn't that great. its pretty shitty actually. im glad that WoW will never be ported natively to pandora, because wowfags are some of the most unbearable people placed upon the earth. i made the mistake of visiting their forums once...

Imagine a second you arrive on that gp32 board and read messages randomly. There's a very high probability you'd conclude that community is made of stupid people who forgot that between their ears there's some piece that should be used. Hence the gp2x and Pandora are dumb stupid consoles for low IQ people.

Back to the subject, WoW really needs much more memory and CPU power than the Pandora has. Sorry :)
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PhonicUK said:
I think this thread should be locked, unless there is still anything useful that could actually be contributed to it?
There is not.
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