Wiz Screen Burn - Has Anyone Had This Also?

Thnaks for the heads up with this topic! Though I'm also quite conscious of screen burn, at least I have some advice to avoid the possibility.
Wow, a person gets flamed for discovering OLED burn-in on the Wiz. :wacko:
GeorgyPorgy said:
I never leave static images on screens, whether it's a pocket calculator or a hi-definition TV. It's a big no-no. And when I really have to (like on my PC) I make sure there's a screen saver involved. It's called a saver for a pretty good reason, actually.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but screen savers are redundant as far as LCD goes, correct? They've lost a lot of popularity since the CRT days, with people only using them for aesthetic purposes.
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Shaun said:
GeorgyPorgy said:
I never leave static images on screens, whether it's a pocket calculator or a hi-definition TV. It's a big no-no. And when I really have to (like on my PC) I make sure there's a screen saver involved. It's called a saver for a pretty good reason, actually.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but screen savers are redundant as far as LCD goes, correct? They've lost a lot of popularity since the CRT days, with people only using them for aesthetic purposes.

Any display will deteriorate over time, how much depending on usage. LCDs do last longer of course, and their "burn in" is not the same as with CRTs, but they are still prone to image persistence, which is reversible but you might still want to avoid it. I've seen it happen with screens that permanently display ghost images of Log On screens and stuff, and believe me, it's not pretty. It's really better to try to prevent it, than try to fix it, with two simple steps: screen saver and/or screen-off time. So I think screen savers are mandatory for any display that shows static images for a long period of time.
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Shaun said:
GeorgyPorgy said:
I never leave static images on screens, whether it's a pocket calculator or a hi-definition TV. It's a big no-no. And when I really have to (like on my PC) I make sure there's a screen saver involved. It's called a saver for a pretty good reason, actually.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but screen savers are redundant as far as LCD goes, correct? They've lost a lot of popularity since the CRT days, with people only using them for aesthetic purposes.
Yeah the best LCD screen saver is a pure white screen (LCD is a light valve that BLOCKS light so white is LCD off, black is LCD energized).
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Today I received my Wiz. I'm 100% sure that GPH did not fix the unit, as it still has the very same problems. And I'm 100% sure that it's the very same screen. GPH did not replace the screen at all.

On top I needed to pay €21,02 shipping costs to UPS. So in total I spent several weeks of waiting and about €30, for nothing.

Currently awaiting the response of GPH. Sending my unit a second time is not going to happen. Then I'll sell it for a decent price and buy two SD cards for my Pandora.
glossywhite said:
chickendung said:
I have no such issues. I agree with DaveC when he says you should not leave your screen on for a while when it is new, although I still have an old CRT TV. <_<

I would mention this in your review as a warning to those who are about to get a Wiz, not as a con for the device, however.

It is a definite con for a £130 device - how many people will *always* remember to turn it off overnight when it is charging?.

It's not a con, it was user error. Everyone knows that screens can suffer from burn-in. There is nothing about the design of the Wiz that makes this a con and it's not in any way the wiz's fault.

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GPH contacted me and said they will send me a new unit as soon as possible. And I can freely send my current faulty unit via their UPS account.

In short: satisfied. But UPS is still a bunch of greedy bastards.
Sadly experiencing the same problem with my newly bought Wiz. Except that it wasn't even a full static image case. Played too much Castlevania(i own the game, but my dad dropped my gba long ago), and now the screen shows heavy burn-in for blue and white. Its an awesome device, sure, but i'm at loss about what should i do. Any tips? Has any burn-in fix software been published yet? Its really hard to find any information on OLED burn-in online... Really hope something can be done about it.
I vaguely recall hearing something about early Wiz development units suffering occasionally from burn it that was temporary and seemed to go away with more regular use.