Just Got The Wiz

Hamburglar said:
I assume he refers to this one.

Hope that's useful.

Thanks! But the guide is hosted on the now defunct Geocities :(

The guide is also on the archive.
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Unfortunately, no-one knows. :wiz: :ph34r:

Only the devs know...because you never know, out of the blue the dev could come out (this year, next year, or whenever?) and say, "Surprise, I've got a new update for you all. Download it now!!!".

EDIT: Right now, Pandora is priority. :pandora2ut4: B)
SONY said:
Unfortunately, no-one knows. :wiz: :ph34r:

Only the devs know...because you never know, out of the blue the dev could come out (this year, next year, or whenever?) and say, "Surprise, I've got a new update for you all. Download it now!!!".

EDIT: Right now, Pandora is priority. :pandora2ut4: B)

Nah I know Pandora is a priority, I just worry it won't have such a great screen for SNES. I can picture some minor motion blur or a resolution that doesn't suit SNES very well (making it either look blurry or blocky; like on the PSP).
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Hamburglar said:
SONY said:
Unfortunately, no-one knows. :wiz: :ph34r:

Only the devs know...because you never know, out of the blue the dev could come out (this year, next year, or whenever?) and say, "Surprise, I've got a new update for you all. Download it now!!!".

EDIT: Right now, Pandora is priority. :pandora2ut4: B)

Nah I know Pandora is a priority, I just worry it won't have such a great screen for SNES. I can picture some minor motion blur or a resolution that doesn't suit SNES very well (making it either look blurry or blocky; like on the PSP).
Yeah, The WIZ's screen is awesome for classic/retro games. It is really the highlight of the handheld. Will the Pandora's screen be better? That depends on what you may or may not be looking for! I don't believe it will be as bright, or as crisp, but it also shouldn't have the screen tearing like the WIZ(which is a HUGE drawback for me). You may see some light blurring/ghosting, but I don't think it will be that bad. It is one of the best rated screen in the PMP market, and it's huge! Another big plus for me!

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jumpman said:
Hamburglar said:
SONY said:
Unfortunately, no-one knows. :wiz: :ph34r:

Only the devs know...because you never know, out of the blue the dev could come out (this year, next year, or whenever?) and say, "Surprise, I've got a new update for you all. Download it now!!!".

EDIT: Right now, Pandora is priority. :pandora2ut4: B)

Nah I know Pandora is a priority, I just worry it won't have such a great screen for SNES. I can picture some minor motion blur or a resolution that doesn't suit SNES very well (making it either look blurry or blocky; like on the PSP).
Yeah, The WIZ's screen is awesome for classic/retro games. It is really the highlight of the handheld. Will the Pandora's screen be better? That depends on what you may or may not be looking for! I don't believe it will be as bright, or as crisp, but it also shouldn't have the screen tearing like the WIZ(which is a HUGE drawback for me). You may see some light blurring/ghosting, but I don't think it will be that bad. It is one of the best rated screen in the PMP market, and it's huge! Another big plus for me!


To be fair to the Wiz, the screen tearing issue is software related. The Sega Genesis emulator fixes this (and is probably the greatest emulator of all time, by the way).
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Hamburglar said:
I guess I was just wondering if PocketSnes was still being worked on because if I get that little extra speed I need, a slight improvement in sound, and horizontal tearing fixed up, I'll be the happiest person on the train every day.

Not tried it myself yet so I cannot vouch, but it looks like your prayers have neem answered:


Edit: Bollocks, it looks like the tearing is still there. Oh well, let's wait for a few more guinea pigs to test the new firmware for us and get their opinions ;)
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MiOdd said:
Wait a tic. FF7 shouldn't count... that game was 4-discs on PC there was obviously no room for CD audio so they were forced to used MIDIs, although I believe the PSX versions used MIDIs too its just that PSX had a better MIDI interpreter so thats why it sounded nicer... I think.

Maybe thats the same case with Discworld? idk, after your post on the topic I assumed you meant the music was better because it was CD audio, in which case it should be the same on PSX and PC-CD... but if it was never CD audio to begin with then I just don't know anymore.

Irregardless, if you want to play Discworld on the Wiz you really don't have a choice, haha. You need to use the PC version in ScummVM because the PSX emulator stinks, so there. I win. ;)
FF7 on PC was not forced to use MIDI music, they just chose to go that route for some reason. The PSX version does NOT use MIDI music. Music on the PSX is in one of three formats: CDDA (regular audio CD format, or Red Book), XA (Yellow Book), or PSF (Portable Sound Format). The latter two take up less space than CDDA. I can't find much information on XA except that it's similar to Red Book with less error checking, but PSF is completely different in that it's sequenced samples rather than a waveform. In this respect, it's similar to, but wholly different than MIDI. You can read more about the PSF format on Wikipedia:


You can get an idea of how many samples a game used based on its PSF file size. Here's a site that has PSF music for some of the more popular PSX RPGs:


You can play PSF files using one of the following programs found on this page:


Edit: a little more information: PSF isn't a format that the PSX uses, but rather a representation of what the PSX uses to decode game music. From what I can tell, it looks like it's a soundbank of samples that the songs use and an assembly program used to play the songs, such that if this program was fed into the sound chip on the actual hardware, it will play back the music.
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Crazyteknohed said:
Hamburglar said:
I guess I was just wondering if PocketSnes was still being worked on because if I get that little extra speed I need, a slight improvement in sound, and horizontal tearing fixed up, I'll be the happiest person on the train every day.

Not tried it myself yet so I cannot vouch, but it looks like your prayers have neem answered:


Edit: Bollocks, it looks like the tearing is still there. Oh well, let's wait for a few more guinea pigs to test the new firmware for us and get their opinions ;)

Thanks big time for letting me know about the firmware update but you're right, tearing issue still present.
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