-Screen tearing hasn't been fixed, just reduced. The examples Ive seen in videos look pretty bad, I think it would detract from the over all enjoyment too much for me.
-I can't find anywhere in AUS that sells the Wiz so I'd have to buy os, meaning if I got a pixel plagued one it's going to be a chore to get it replaced.
-The touchscreen isnt a big deal to me, but at the same time it being under used and inaccurate makes it a non-feature of the machine.
-Less dev support and the lack of much Wiz exclusive software makes it less attractive to GP2X owners, thinking of upgrading.
-Performance was the main draw card for me, I was hoping for something in the range of 2x GP2X performance +3D hardware, which would push most of the GP2X's almost-full-speed apps over into full-speed on Wiz. I doesnt look like that's the case and the 3D hardware of Wiz is underutilized so that remains a moot feature too.