Wiz For Dummies


Still Fresh
Mar 5, 2010
I recently recieved a GP2X Wiz for my birthday and am estatic to get some emulators. Problem is I don't know the proper steps to install emulation software on it. I tried the basic MAME emulator and don't really know the proper way to install it so I can untilize it. If anyone could possibly give me a step-by-step guide on how to install such emulators like MAME, PicoDrive, Lemonboy, ...etc, it would be awesome. Playing default games is only so fun, when I could be running great games like I have seen the device able to handle. Please help this Wiz Dummy.
Kyle said:
I recently recieved a GP2X Wiz for my birthday and am estatic to get some emulators. Problem is I don't know the proper steps to install emulation software on it. I tried the basic MAME emulator and don't really know the proper way to install it so I can untilize it. If anyone could possibly give me a step-by-step guide on how to install such emulators like MAME, PicoDrive, Lemonboy, ...etc, it would be awesome. Playing default games is only so fun, when I could be running great games like I have seen the device able to handle. Please help this Wiz Dummy.

go to http://gp2xwiz.funurl.com/, there is a "download" section where you can find some stuff ready to use.
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You can read the Wiz User's Guide in PDF that you can find in the CD in the box. See the section 9 "Installation". You can see how to install games and emulators there. You need an SD card if you don't have one.

Download the software you want from the Wiz archive. Copy the application files in a new folder inside the GAME folder of the SD. Each emulator needs some additional files like the bios file or roms. There are detailed instructions in the readme.txt (manual) contained in almost all the emulators.

Welcome and enjoy the Wiz.
Hardyx said:
You can read the Wiz User's Guide in PDF that you can find in the CD in the box. See the section 9 "Installation". You can see how to install games and emulators there. You need an SD card if you don't have one.

Download the software you want from the Wiz archive. Copy the application files in a new folder inside the GAME folder of the SD. Each emulator needs some additional files like the bios file or roms. There are detailed instructions in the readme.txt (manual) contained in almost all the emulators.

Welcome and enjoy the Wiz.

I just did what the cd has said and attempted to use MAME4ALL and have it installed properly. Do I need to dl each rom individually that is stated in the game list or am I missing something. I feel like a pure Wiz Dummy.
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Peter R said:
Usually an emulators readme file provides all the details on how to use it.

I am going through the readme file and its not telling me if I have to DL all the roms on the supported list. I am assuming I would have do DL each individual game of the 1227 it supports but from what I understood, it is compiled so that it is "all in one." When I select MAME4ALL through launcher, I see opening screen for half a second before it says "Error: No available games found." Does that mean that I need to DL all 1227 to play them or am I just another Wiz Dummy. Please help! I have had this for a couple days now and still only have onboard games. If someone could even take the time to PM a step-by-step way to get this working, that'd be great. The use manual is vague due to everything in korean with english subtitles. THANK YOU!
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The dummies guide to:

1)Download picodrive from the archives at dl.openhandhelds.org (make sure you get the Wiz version).
Get the following files, you will have to search for them yourself, because of legal reasons:
us_scd1_9210.bin us_scd2_9306.bin SegaCDBIOS9303.bin
eu_mcd1_9210.bin eu_mcd2_9303.bin eu_mcd2_9306.bin
jp_mcd1_9112.bin jp_mcd1_9111.bin

2)Get some sega genesis/megadrive/CD games of your choice. I find Golden axe really impressive. Again you have to search for these cool roms yourself.

3)Extract the picodrive archive to your sd card (create a seperate folder, say picodrive )
Place the bin files in that same folder.
Place the game files anywhere you want on the sd card (for example, create a folder named roms)

Picodrive is now installed and ready to go on the sd card.
To start picodrive: select launcher in the wiz menu, navigate to the folder you placed picodrive, select picodrive.gpe)
now select load new rom/iso. Navigate to the folder where you placed the game files.

In general other emulators will have similar steps, outlined in the readme file. Mame4all sometimes can give problems because the game files need to be the right version (so I recommend first trying out the other emulators). You definitely do not need to get all 1227 games on the list to get it up running.
You need the games you want to play in any emulator. They are not included for legal reasons. But there is a mame 2.2 full romset in the net.
This website helped me a lot! I mean there's a few emulators on here that worked out well for me. So far I've only downloaded the one for SNES and GBC. And yes I did own all these games previously;)
I downloaded PocketSnes and LemonBoy, those work well for me:) I have yet to try the other emulators.
The Roms you could probably just google them to find them. Good luck with this, it took me awhile to figure out:P
