Wiz Cases?


Still Fresh
Dec 25, 2009
At the keyboard
Having seen some of the old threads about on here custom and alternative cases for the Wiz and Pandora, along with the comments on the PlayAsia site about the "official" Wiz case, I've been looking around for an alternative.

Thus far, a couple of Crumpler cases have caught my eye, but I haven't been able to actually try them out to see how snugly (or not!) the Wiz fits inside. The dimensions of the Wiz I'm using are 121mm x 61mm x 18mm. These are the cases I've found:

Crumpler P.P. 80 internal dimensions: 129 x 77 x 26 mm Available on Amazon < £10.00

Crumpler Checker 100 internal dimensions: 120 x 68 x 25mm (This range looks like it's been discontinued).

Has anyone else found any likely alternative housings?
Well, it looks like we don't need to find an alternative for you or anyone else for that matter...because both those Crumplers linked look good enough (I have a good eye for these thing...even though it's just an image from the internet). So...having said that...those Crumpler alternatives are...PERFECT~! :wiz: B)
I got this one for my wiz

nintendo ds case

I got a handfull of memory cards in there,headphones and usb/charge cable.It doesn't fit the nds plastic insert properly (you cant use it whilst its in the case properly although you can switch it on and use headphones for music or a movie) but i wasn't bothered about that, it fits well and protects the screen thats all i wanted even the nds badge on it doesn't bother me.

Not bad for £4.50 from gamestation (last week).

Hope this helps.
SONY said:
those Crumpler alternatives are...PERFECT~! :wiz: B)
I hope so, because I've ordered a PP80. I'll report back on how well it fits in a day or so.

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I've just some other possibile cases at World of Bags:

Oyster Meteor 50 Internal 120W x 60H x 45Dmm
(Wiz: 121mm x 61mm x 18mm). It's cheap, too, at £5.99 (+ £1.99 P and P)

Crumpler CC80 Internal 122 x 73 x 20mm £14.99

An an interesting looking thing called a Lowepro Tasca 20, Interior: Tasca 20: 125 X 80 X 12mm [perhaps a bit too snug with a 12mm depth] £8.50
The best case I found at a local store (Best Buy and Toys R' Us) was this one made for the DS:

Amazon.com - Nintendo DS case

It works very well. It is a little larger than the Wiz, but I like it. It has 3 slots that SD cards will fit into nicely and 2 stylus holders as well. It isn't shown in the picture on the website, but there is a flap between the console and the card holder slots that velcros into place. This is a nice feature because you can fold up a lens cloth and stick it in there without it falling out everytime you open your case.
The postman managed to sneak a "while you were out" card through the door yesterday instead of a PP80 so, having braved the snow today collect the thing from the sorting office, I can now report back. Unfortunately, the supplier sent a PP55 packaged as PP80; after my initial alarm at the case being too small (it was a struggle to get the zip done up) I noticed the label stitched inside the pouch identified it as a P55. I'm hoping for a better fit when I eventually get the right pouch. Stayed tuned for further updates.
I'll offer my two cents, while this might be a tad big cause its for a Gamboy DSI , i think the build quality and the sdcard pouches / stylus pouch makes up for it being a tad big.


I don't own it, but i do own a laptop sleeve from them and can say the build quality is unmatched. If anyone gets it please report back.
SONY said:
Lol, I've never heard anyone refer to Nintendo DS/DSi as a Game Boy DSi. :D

Ooh, those young whipper-snappers and their Gameboy DSi's. Why, back in my day all we had was that conflabbed Ping game, and we were thankful for it too. Had to walk up hill for 17 miles in 3 feet of snow just to enjoy that Ping whosamawhatsit. :lol:
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The replacement PP80 arrived today (with "the pp 80 iphone" on the label this time). It's still a bit tight--the Wiz needs to a bit of push to get the zip round the corner--so it's not as perfect a fit as it might be, but it's nothing like the struggle to do up the P55! It's a (very) snug-fitting, padded neoprene jacket which, while a bit pricey, does the job.



Hoax said:
Images dont work? Just me?
No, it's not just you. I posted them to an image-bucket type hosting site and, in my haste, must've used the wrong URLs.

I'll try and fix them ...

fixed :-)
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I originally bought a super card to mod my GB micro.

Then not even days later I remembered a WiZ favorite in my bookmarks...

So I bought it! Disappointed that it had no case, or even a decent case made for it...

Moral is....

The draw string bag that came with my GB micro fits the WiZ snug, yet perfect!

Only down fall is, is you can't really stuff extra goodies in with it. I.E. more SD cards, the charger, etc...

Works good enough for me! All I care about is protecting my WiZ
With the WiZ completely in the tote bag there is about a half of an inch of cloth/room left on the end, this should be left for the draw string to close completely. The rest of the space inside the bag on the sides of the WiZ is nearly taken. Yet I can stick two fingers on either side when the WiZ is inside.

Not sure if these bags can be purchased separately though.. I ought to look into it.
Figured I'd mess around with my camera..

The ear buds are for sure a tight fit with the WiZ. But if both are compiled into one, they fit.
