The Gp2x Wiz: True Gp2x Successor

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May 18, 2006
GPH announced the Gp2x Wiz, their new console in the gp2x serie. Let's examine a bit what of interesting and not this console will have!

So: yes, it's the one we saw in the leaked photo and yes it's called Wiz (that's not a bad name at all for me).


And here the hardware specifications for you silicon hungry geeks.

So basically there are a lot of interesting things from my point of view, first, seems it will be using the MagicEyes Pollux, that's a great leap foward the old gp2x board but it's still on the same family, so porting the gp2x software will be very very easy.
Second, the clock is very good, so we can have a good speed-up everywhere on the emulators only doing the ports (fullspeed snes of course, a way better Amiga and such, without changing nothing!).
Then, there's 3d hardware support, so fullspeed psx emulation is not a dream anymore.

There's finally a proper lithium battery, and there's an internal clock + alarm, that makes me think that the battery will be good.

And yes, there are two dpads... or at least the A\B\X\Y buttons looks like another dpad now.. why? i don't know, but i think it's not a problem at all, they are 4 buttons like before, maybe will be even more confortable, maybe will be a pain, i really need to try it to speak.

The Wiz is also very small, it's A LOT smaller than the gp2x and the pandora, and a lot thinner too.

The Wiz is 121x61 mm and only 18mm thick.
The gp2x was 143.6x83 and 27 of deep, so the new console is really really more portable.

The pandora, closed, is 140x83x27, a bit less wider than the gp2x, opened is like two gp2xs one over the other.

For a lot of people it can be a bad news, for me it's a really good one, the gp2x wasn't the best thing to use as mp3 player, and i wanted to have a smaller stuff inside my pocket.

Here's a comparison made by me between the gp2x f-100 and the gp2x Wiz

Also finally there is a proper place for the stylus, hurrah! :D

Last but not least, the price seems very good (around 150 USD or 115 EUR) :lol: and it will be out very soon!

I'm interested.
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