Wirless Gaming On The Gp32 + Joystick Problems


Jul 6, 2004
When i bought my GP32 from GBAX one of the things that had been advertised was the wirless gaming capabilities now im confused as a friend of mine who has a GP32 says you need to buy a RF Cable to use the wireless capabilities ans that would then be plugged into the gp32 if this is the case why then does it say on the box of the gp32 wireless gaming if you have to buy somthing else to make that work. s) Does this make any sense to anyone? Thanks in advance.

Oh, and I dont know if this is just my GP32 or a general problem but does anyone find that the joystick is a little 'Loose' and therefore difficult to use? any recomendations on how to increase the resistance of it a little bit?

[Mod - Two short topics made at nearly the same time, merged.]
Oh, and I dont know if this is just my GP32 or a general problem but does anyone find that the joystick is a little 'Loose' and therefore difficult to use? any recomendations on how to increase the resistance of it a little bit?

Hi and welcome! Well from personal experience with an original GP32, a FLU, AND a BLU, I don't find the joystick responsiveness that much different then previous versions. If you want to "fix" the joystick, there is a way, and it's found in a sticky at the top of this forum (I need help...) Please read the stickies in each forum, and do a search before asking! Thanks :)

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