The packing was pretty easy due to good examples on how to do it (gpSP ginge pack for ginge and viewport init, Battle Jewels for appdata folder sharing, PXML Documentation, etc.) - thanks to those repackers for giving me good examples, especially gpSP was very useful on showing me how to resize and position the framebuffer viewport.
Another big thanks obviously goes to notaz for creating Ginge, the game sure plays a lot better on Pandora than on Wiz due to better gamepad controls.
(Lets face it, the digital direction buttons on the Gamepark devices suck... sad but true.)
And of course Hao and his brother for an epic game to bundle.
Still gotta think about striking a good pose / outfit for my custom avatar request... hmmmmm.
Sweet, I didn't think we could have Full screen through ginge. Just ish notax had packagesd his original ginge this way. Is there any tutorial/wiki on ginge features/configs etc (ie. mouse/touchscreen) I seen on the original ginge its set to f100 so no touchscreen. I've been using and trying many games in it that I would have liked to play but I never went for f200 and some where designed for f200 (ie. Super mario chronicals - it seems to work by the way wiz ver.) will try some others.