Glad to see that this is progressing nicely. One issue with the latest version I'd like to bring to your attention, the speed that Win2X responds to user input (from either joypad or touch screen) is quite a lot slower - this often means I tap the screen impatiently, unsure if my taps have registered, only for Win2X to ececute several taps in rapid succession (for example, if browsing with explorer, I may want to go up one directory, tap serveral times and it will go up 3 directories). I suspect this slowdown is a result of adding support for the joypad input as well as touch screen. If this is the case a quick temporary solution may be an option to allow users to switch between 1-Touch Screen Only, 2-Joypad/keys only and 3-both inputs.
I do agree that Win2x should remain as light and fast as possible, with no flashy visual features that would cause it's size to expand and slow things down. Any features of this nature should be available as "add on" packs for users who really want these items. I really like the way Win2x functions and looks right now, there's no clutter or fancy visuals, just a basic friendly navigation and configuration system.
I also have a couple of suggestions, which are really for far off in the future when the current bugs have been resolved. I like the idea of using the left/right buttons to bring up context menus - for example copy and paste on files. I also think it might be worthwhile making the pop up windows dragable to other locations on the screen (and maybe minimise them too), this would be very useful if you could open several windows at once, and copy/paste between them. I know this would be quite a lot of work, but I think it'd be worthwhile in the long run. If that idea is too complex, perhaps expanding the explorer to have a left and right panel that could browse different locations and transfer files would be hugely advantagous, especially if it could allow you to zip and unzip files! This would allow people to store a lot of extra things on there SD cards and only extract them when needed.
One last thing, your english is very good and there is no difficulty understanding your documentation. If you would like I could make a few minor corrections. It's not vital, and the documentation is fine as it is, all I'd do is tidy it up slightly. If you're interested send me a PM and I'll give you my email address. Obviously I'll still write any new ideas and feedback here for you anyway.
Good luck, happy christmas and a good new year to you.