Will it be possible to stream to a tv (with the aid of a chromecast or similar)?


Very Active Member
Jan 8, 2010
I have been thinking in the shield which allows stream from a pc or the wiiu pad with the console. Also there is the crhomecast and other hdmi sticks that can stream content from a phone/tablet/whatever.

I was wondering if the pyra could be paired with one of those hdmi sticks or other hardware and got video output without cables.

Assuming there isn't a noticeable delay (shield and wiiu solved it?) And not much quality loss I think it would make a great functionality.

Notice that i haven't touched a shield/wiiu/chromecast in my life. Just asking if this is feasible.
Well its hdmi, that should be not much problem.

I know cable free hdmi transmitters exist.
I suppose it's possible to use chromecast if someone gets Android working on it.. Other native linux streaming methods could be possible I suppose..
Well I don't care about android. My question was if it was possible to stream Pandora games and emulators (or any other software) to a chromecast like device.

Never researched about this not even for pc. So the question would be if a regular linux with standard hardware can stream to a tv somehow.
I've never used Chromecast so this is purely speculation based off what I've been able to find, but apparently there is a "cast entire screen" option. You start chrome, do the thing that you're supposed to do to get it connected to the chromecast, choose "cast entire screen", and you should just be able to start playing whatever you want and it'll be mirrored to your TV. Maybe?

Since this is built into Chrome (and therefore Chromium, I think?) it will probably work. Hopefully.