DBH said:
How can you say such a ludacris thing... everything needs wifi ! even a pen! or a toothpick...
I use wifi with 2 computers, laptop, wii and 2 DS but I just really don't get what in the hell are you going to do with it with gp2x :unsure:
Web browser with hard drive for saving shit.
The ability to update programs & the firmware easier,
Media streaming from the internet & over lan (podcasts, internet radio, web-tv),
Multi-player games over the internet for emulators & homebrew,
Video conferencing on the move,
The ability to view gaming stats, clan ladders etc. that are hosted online,
You could have a software clock on the 2x that updates from the internet when you boot up or connect to the internet, bypassing the need to have a hardware one built in that drains the batteries when the units turned off (people seem to want an in-built clock for some reason?),
The question should be.. why wouldn't anyone want wifi?