WIFI multiple tries to connet.


Central Scrutinizer
Aug 30, 2012
I have a nokia cell phone running joikuspot light providing an open wlan in Ad-Hoc mode.

After I enable Pandora wlan, it sometimes takes a very long time for the xfce connection manager to find the AP (many minutes) and when I try to connect, it usually takes multiple tries.

I can see the AP with

iwlist wlan0 scanning

Has anyone run into similar problems? Thanks!
I've had some problems with connecting too.

It takes a long time usually, and sometimes it asks for the password over and over even though the correct password is stored.

Something is wrong...
I get the same problem in a few locations. Especially in school where everyone is able to connect no problem but my pandora just tries again and again to connect but always fails
1. Enable WiFi

2. Open a terminal and type:

sudo iwconfig wlan0 rate 54M power off

Sometimes my Pandora won't even see my Access Point without that command.
And why should the power management be the issue if he solved the issue already with updated drivers...?
@EvilDragon: You are right. The connection initialisation issue can be solved with this driver.

But should you later experience transmission issues, then check wether power management may be the issue.
@EvilDragon: You are right. The connection initialisation issue can be solved with this driver.

But should you later experience transmission issues, then check wether power management may be the issue.
While that is true, why bury out this old thread when it's not even needed?

One new thread about your recent Wifi findings and probably an putting a link in an active thread where someone was discussing about Wifi issues is okay as well... but burying old threads, and then even threads where the issue was a completely different...?
I agree.

I had wanted to help.

I realized that linking from contemporary threads to a current solution is ok, but not from within ancient threads.

Except if they are without a solution and they have many subcribers, which would benefit from the notification of a solution or new finding, or if they have a high ranking with external web search engines, thus likely escort people who search for the related keywords to the proper actual solution.
In all respect to ED.. the wifi on the Pandora is pretty fucking horrible and rarely works. <- on my rebirth unit!

I fixed this with a simple $5 mini usb wifi adapter.

My unit connects and downloads at high speeds now without issue.

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I think ED needs more reports like this.

It is not impolite, just honest.

I also don't know what percentage of the users suffer WiFi issues.

It would be a good thing to conduct a survey.

But then again, the question is, how reliable this would be,

whether people whose WiFi works/fails,

tend more to participate in such surveys.